Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

March 16, 2020 - March 22, 2020


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 16th appears to be a very demanding morning and a little hint here: be very tactful with how far you press any envelope during the morning hours of the day. You are free to take chances and push it as far as you want during the afternoon hours however, and appear to do quite well with an excellent finish to your day.

Tuesday the 17th is a quality day with excellent accomplishments and your insights and ESP are in rare form.

Wednesday the 18th contentment levels are very high and you seem quite pleased with whatever is offered up to you as you get the inside track on important information and are able to work late hours gaining through the more work you do with great discipline and wonderful responsible and reliable energies. The new year brings you great success as it starts on the 19th with opportunities to make strong changes in your life and upgrade existing situations you want to make improvements on. Use patient steady efforts throughout the day to accomplish what you want even if you feel you have bitten off more than you can chew.

Friday the 20th is an extremely exciting day and one with a rare aspect that says, be willing to take a chance. Don't be a chicken. Reach out and grab and be willing to sit your butt on the willowy and of the limb. Now take that for whatever it's worth and take it to the bank.

Saturday the 21st many of you will find excellent relaxation and quality me time accomplishments as you choose and ferret out how you would like to spend the day.

Sunday many of you may find the day is filled with far too much emotion and sensitive energies for your taste and it would be a wonderful day for you to pick a project and hide out somewhere if you don't choose to enjoy spending time with friends and family.

Notice on health and common sense: Don't forget to stay safe during these difficult times: wash your hands often, keep your distance, cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbox, don't go to work if you feel sick. Please follow the guidelines of your local health professionals and government. Don't panic and don't hoard!

Love Horoscope

This can be a very disappointing week in love for the Archer. It does appear the 16th to 19th are nothing special for a vast majority of you, paired or unpaired but the 20th to 22nd and surely the 23rd to 26th appear to be milestone days filled with both opportunity and appreciation! Once you gather your patience the 20th, you may find cheerful rescue attempts the 20th to 22nd are likely. A lot of hand holding for pals you love is likely. It appears to be an excellent week for singles once we hit the 21st and prior to that, I would either dismiss any opportunity or put it on hold until after the 21st. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You are one sentimental pal!... You save small bits of reminders of happy times in catch boxes or special hiding places to remind you of something wonderful you shared with a certain pal. It is most likely, unless your pal is also a Sagittarius, that they are doing the same thing. It's apples and oranges and you can not compare. Most ordinary people could never stand up to the extraordinary sentiment you tend to carry!

Career Highlights

While cooperation seems to level off and sort of even nose dive as we reach the 20th, it is not as bad as it is for so many other signs. You have this sort of built in luck and once in a while you stumble on how to control it and this may be one of those weeks. Try to get a handle on things near the PM hours of the 16th and hold on for as long as you can, some of you making it to the 19th! After that, things become so much easier but they do become more demanding. You have never minded working hard for good results as laziness is not in your job description!


Constantly battling one thing or another

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Constantly battling one thing or another.

Karma Numbers:

2, 7, 11, 14, 22

Buzz Words:

Push to the clearing.

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, some Cancer, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by you being headstrong and rash at times. Wild and daring physical activities, or just plain recklessness and impatience, can put you into dangerous situations. Your drive for freedom, independence, and absolute authority over your own life is quite strong. You tend to be very abrupt and inconsiderate of others. It's best for you not to try to cooperate or slow down your pace to suit other people too much. You need to follow your own rhythm. You are likely to actually act on some of the more unusual or “crazy” impulses you feel from time to time: you crave excitement. You may not feel free and can resent others who you believe inhibit your freedom and originality. Take the time to explain your position and others may be better able to accommodate you. Read more...

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