Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

December 19, 2011 - December 25, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Sentiment reins supreme the 19th to 22nd and then practicality takes over, spending gets cut big time and unexpected visitors, repairs, travel and needs 'pop up' out of nowhere! Your attitude is cheerful, you appear willing to listen and even 'anxious' to talk, decide or reminisce. In fact, reminiscence may actually provide the answers to some of your quandaries the 23/24th.

Love Horoscope

Once you get past any challenging energies the 19th to 21st, you're 'home free' for the most part. A minor misunderstanding or personal upset the evening of the 20th could surface between you and Libra, Aquarius, Taurus or any sign 'over money'. Quell it quickly and stick to the 'sentiment or meaning' behind what ever happened. Single Archers find hot potential sprinkled throughout the week. Any paired Sags that DO have issues are likely to settle them FAST. A very TINY cross section of Archers may terminate status near the 19th to 23rd but IF they do, it either repairs or is replace 'amazingly fast'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

No other time of year seems to be filled with more sentiment that this one, when showing the 'rank and file' of priority seems almost common place. Ending the day feeling like there is just 'not enough of you to go around' is typical. Refresh and start over! Our friends ARE our greatest treasures in life; spend time with your treasure chest this week!

Career Highlights

Some Sagittarius's will swing from a minor clash with coworkers or constituents near the 20th to 'the biggest opportunity of their lives' the 22nd. Which one will you be? A rare cross section may bite into BOTH! Being handed a travel assignment is likely as is entertaining visitors or foreign connections. A huge 'financial opportunity' may be a green light from a 'super wealthy' source and a long range project that extends into 2013/14 may come with it!



Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Highly sentimental

Karma Numbers:

4, 7, 9, 11, 97, especially 1997 and people or things from it; companies founded in it.

Buzz Words:

The bigger; the better.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Leo, Aries

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork, friendships & accomplishments. Lucrative business opportunities are likely. Take the plunge and get involved in a joint venture. Avoid detail-oriented tasks, try to work with others as much as possible. Try a little idea-generation and offer your assistance to colleagues. Don't say things that may come back to haunt you. Personal problems will play on your mind. You must be willing to move on and let go of the past if you wish to get over the unpleasantness you've experienced. Your overhead may be causing undue stress that you can do without. Read more...

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