Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

June 6, 2022 - June 12, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 6th, you appear busy and active with a very agreeable and accomplished day all the way through to bedtime.

Tuesday the 7th, your day starts out very well but you are prone to rash and impulsive actions. This is brought on more so if you are reacting to or paired with signs like Aries or Scorpio and other Pisces. Think first and meditate before you take action on anything big or important.

Wednesday the 8th, your ESP starts to go on the rise and your creativity is strong and fundamentally excellent. You can see way into the future for this short period of time.

Thursday the 9th, your originality and your ability to problem-solve for others may garner the attention of powerful people and those higher up who make decisions about promotions and placing responsibilities into your hands. Things may not be offered to you this very day, but today maybe the day that the consideration is made down the road closer to late June into later July. The remarkable things you do now will be considered later.

Friday the 10th, your nerves may feel rattled just a tad, but nothing that will blind you all that much. Others may run to you like lemmings to the sea. Their stars have them off their routine, scattered in their plans and delayed with problems. With that going on there's bound to be some running to you.

Saturday the 11th, you are not feeling yourself, as a matter of fact, you are feeling a crack and half off normal. It's best that you are not bothered and it's better to be left alone on your own. Find some industrious thing to do that makes you happy.

Sunday the 12th appears to be a highly enjoyable day with several gatherings and some very warm and affectionate energies to surround you.

Love Horoscope

You may be very lucky in love this week, especially near times/days like Monday P.M., all-day Thursday, any time on Friday into Saturday and later only on Sunday. In fact, an early morning change-up on Sunday may be a short lived problem until it is worked out -- especially if Gemini, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio is involved. Singles show very promising windows that seem to run the same timeframe/s as the ones for paired Fish. Fixing any problem/s, especially old ones, appears very likely and promising! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

It may be at the hands or the advice of a friend, that you solve several problems this week. This is a real change-up, considering it usually is you solving for them. Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Cancer, Libra and Gemini buddies could be very helpful, particularly when it comes to taking on duty delegating, so you can be freed up and doing some kind of dirty work with you, making an arduous chore a little less work and lot easier to stomach!

Career Highlights

There are a few hidden pitfalls and potential traps for some of you this week. Now... mind you, I said "some" of you, as only a small cross-section may taste betrayal by power people, a knife in the back by a trusted co-worker or industry insider, and/or a constituent letting you down and not coming through as promised, especially when you know it was/is well within their means. This one, if it is going to hit, may likely hit near Tuesday afternoon or later on Wednesday, or it will miss you altogether. If it misses you, then you're in for a busy, demanding but profitable week!


"Takes money to make money" demands on your wallet.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Willing to fix it all.

Karma Numbers:

2, 4, 11, 24, 41

Buzz Words:

Hope springs eternal.

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by a minor disagreement with a partner that could threaten to disrupt plans if the problem isn't immediately addressed. The topic could be finances or the division of duties. Listen to what is said and repeat it back to your partner to make sure you understand. A workable compromise is possible if you hold your temper and accept that changes to existing routines might be necessary. Your ability to understand the needs of others shows your caring side at its best. Your sense of humor is your greatest asset, use laughter to get through the everyday glitches that others may take far too seriously. You'll be able to turn many of them around just by smiling and pitching in to help correct small problems. Gather with loved ones and friends to spread more of your good-natured wit. Read more...

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