Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
August 27, 2012 - September 2, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Focus on elders and their needs the 27th to 29th as some may 'suddenly pop up' and a small 'scare' is even possible! Loss under the full moon the 31st may hit with elders, pets, problematic physical illness cases 'for some time now' or signs like Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius or Leo who have been 'sinking lately' anyway. Termination is a possible threat but MORE than likely, there may be long hours of tending, fixing, serving or worrying going on. Once we are past the 31st, you'll know a lot more 'about where it's all at' and IF you've missed this one completely! Trim any 'fluff' spending the 27th, when you're feeling 'real, REAL practical' and save your spending for the 28/29th, when you're feeling VERY sentimental! The needs of any youth or spouse of any sign may take a big bite out of your budget the 1/2nd, especially IF they have achieved something, deserve a reward or are preparing for either new job or a journey.
Love Horoscope
Romance has its rewards near BOTH the 28/29th and 31/1st, especially for single Fish who manage to 'get lucky' through chance meetings or 'hook ups' by pals or family. Events like weddings or funerals may also provide 'connections' but be 'discriminating' IF it is a funeral. Take your time and connect later. Some Fish may find 'candidates are available' BECAUSE of a funeral. Wait for 'the right time' to move, especially IF Cancer, other Fish, Aquarius, Virgo or Capricorn is involved. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Having a pal do you a 'huge favor' this week is very likely, especially the 27th and again near the 31st; even if they do NOT realize they are doing so! You also may be called upon to either 'serve' in a 'typical venue' like a wedding, funeral or required to 'lend a helping hand' if/when a pal finds themselves 'in over their heads' especially if they are Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus or Aries. Having to travel, run out and rescue a pal who is marooned or taxi someone around appears to be the likely near the full moon on the 31st; give or take a day on either side!
Career Highlights
This may be a week of 'long range planning' especially IF you are focused on 2014 or early '15 for some reason, particularly for moves, weddings, births [planned] or job 'focus or projections' Having to travel, display, represent or 'pitch' is also likely, especially near the 27th and again the 30/31st. IF anything is offered or 'put to you' near the 29/30th, look it over carefully as it MAY be hiding 'more work than appears on the surface' and the 31st may 'flush the true involvement/s out'. Some 'higher ups' may be visiting or 'watching' near the 30/31st; be ON your best! Having to 'work the weekend' IS a possibility; be prepared to either travel or 'entertain' but only 'part time'.
VERY promising and 'soon'.
Overview for Pisces
State of Mind:
Insightful and excited.
Karma Numbers:
2, 11, 19, 34, 50
Buzz Words:
Fix, serve or solve but 'fast'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by fatigue, as it topples Aquarius as clarity drains away to irrelevance. A graceful apology returns some of your losses. By friday, the fire is back in your eyes, and you won't stand for anyone's dirty tricks. Expect to work straight through the weekend, when playtime finally hits. Stay close to home, because your skills may be required onsite. An early conclusion frees you to do personal work, but you're back in battle against a problem revived by the Taurus Sun. You may get into a bit of messy fun, because a real or symbolic parent wags a moralistic finger at you , urging you to clean up your act. However, it seems that mischief is good for your reputation - you're up to it again , unrepentant, untouchable, and this time successful. Maybe, in your own way, you've learned something after all. Read more...
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