Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

April 11, 2022 - April 17, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th, you may be invited or directed to take short trips around town running back and forth from place to place and focusing on the needs and details of the items you may have to have in order to do these things is paramount. Others of you may be invited on roadtrips with friends to enjoy the day. Outings of various kinds are also likely for another cross-section of you. Whichever the case, it's highly likely for many of you to be on the move.

Tuesday the 12th, your nose is to the grindstone with routine work and details and focusing on the fine print, the bottom line and many of the details involved with them, is key to a successful day.

Wednesday the 13th, plan ahead as your judgment is excellent and as you map out the next several days or even weeks, you can formulate an excellent future with success and soundness. By next Wednesday much of what you have been experiencing will totally change. There are many indications for a hefty cross-section of you to have an idealistic and romantic evening.

Thursday the 14th, keep your emotions and thinking well balanced between each other if you want a successful day, as you face several up-and-down energies throughout the day.

Friday the 15th appears to be a cooperative and excellent day filled with wonderful accomplishments and far better success than Thursday held.

Saturday the 16th is an excellent day to make decisions and choices, as things go smoothly and successfully.

Sunday the 17th may be a slightly uncomfortable day for many of you, but it appears to be mostly due to those around you who are having slightly challenging days or, there are several challenging emotions and energies going on around you. In either case, it is not, repeat, not, you. Try to disengage from what's going on and have a relaxing and enjoyable day with friends and family.

Love Horoscope

Romance does well this week, especially if you maintain and eye on the future. Take things into consideration be willing to be patient to compromise and to plain old wait. So many of you are so close to the finish line even in older matches, not to mention the blushing newer ones. Single and looking Scales may strike pay dirt this week as you never know which day you may wake and put your feet on the floor and walk into the love of your life! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Many events in your life could fall like dominoes from romantic timing to career connections, wishes and needs. Pals can be supportive but they appear to help you most this week, in keeping you calm, relaxed and patient on the path. Seek out personalities you know to have a deeper understanding of just that!

Career Highlights

Many of you are laying the ground work for something big and those of you who are not, are anxious to "get to it" all the same! Everyone of you will have a turn. You have to wait, watch carefully and jump in with the right timing. A lot of extra help that will not only support you this week, but from Friday on, support both you and your goals and any projected projects no matter how far into the future they are. Small things can be very helpful for Libras with plans projected into summer! That rough outline may turn into reality faster than expected. Be respectful of power people or anyone, even if they are not directly above you who holds any kind of power at all and you'll find that each person has some kind of power they can use. Encourage them through sincere energy to use it for you.


What you make of it, this week.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Focused; short term and long.

Karma Numbers:

4, 5, 6, 9, 11

Buzz Words:

If you can raise sincerity within yourself; fake it.

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo and February Fish

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by an urge to create and express yourself. You could run into some serious obstacles. Set aside your impulse to plunge into unknown territory. This is an intense time of letting go of old visions to make room for new ones. You may need to use some good common sense to deal with an unrealistic colleague. Assess your resources carefully. This will provide the practical reality needed at this time. The enthusiasm of those around you is attractive, but not well grounded. Fortunately, you'll find the strength to clear away the fluff and get to the heart of the matter. Take on the serious challenges at work. You've got what it takes to meet them. You could be extraordinarily successful if you have the proper training. Focus is the key to everything. Even your romantic life could benefit from concentration. This is not a time to be scattered. Aim directly at your target, hold steady, and take your best shot. Work is likely to demand a great deal of your attention. The idea, though, is to demonstrate how skillful you are. Improve your techniques and it may provide you with a financial boost or a broader awareness of money matters. Read more...

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