Weekly Horoscope for Leo
October 7, 2019 - October 13, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Leo
Family and Personal Life
Monday the 7th is a busy and demanding day with several turns and plot changes indicated and one thing you need to be aware of is the one pitfall in the day that comes in in the later afternoon hours and that is losses from gambling or taking any kind of chance, including pushing your luck in any way -- even in traffic.
Tuesday the 8th seems like a far better day with easy choices, excellent support from other individuals and cheerful attitudes all around. It may be a red-letter day for a hefty cross-section of you.
Wednesday the 9th many of you may have vivid dreams where you were able to glimpse your spiritual nature and see some internal ESP surface, even if you are not prone to that sort of thing. Your day may then take on a far more profound and sensitive nature. Accomplishments are excellent and the milk of human kindness seems to be on the edge of your mind.
Thursday the 10th is another accomplished day in which you appear to be in a good mood and ready to hand out good advice once again.
Friday the 11th it's essential that you pay attention to your schedule and keep it as close as you can to the plan you had for the day without interruptions or distractions. Your evening hours show excellent discussions and important information that may be shared with you or leaked to you.
Saturday the 12th a great deal of requests may be made of you for favors, honey do list by a spouse or just errands and the like from your family.
Sunday under the full moon there are big dreams, big promises and big exciting energies flowing your way and it appears to be an excellent day for friends and family in any kind of gatherings from simple one-on-one to huge events.
Love and Romance
This can be a somewhat remarkable week, most in that what is sour and unproductive the 7th/8th can turn to successful and interesting the 9th/10th, leaving the 11th for exciting new opportunities late in the evening and all day the 12th for fixing, growing closer, getting to know you and being fortunate in serendipitous encounters. I'd lay off the 13th since little good will come of it. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Making new friends, especially Aries, Leo and Virgo may be very useful this week as your stars show any that are made may be extremely useful and necessary when issues, problems, needs, connections, insights and extra help come calling with tons of opportunity along about as soon as the 8th to 10th, the week of 21st or as far out as later October into early November. It is late November and early December where you may easily need the most.
Career Advancements
Later November into later December are likely to end up being some kind of important projected areas for some of you and there may be hints, scheduling or current deadlines relating to it already showing up in your life or expectations. If you read this and then the first thing you say is "Gee, that's about right too..." then you need to check back often over the fall if you are not in the habit of reading weekly. Deals may be struck, low profile and seemingly unimportant or high profile, chance/once in a life time as soon as the 9th 11th or out as far as the week of the 21st and later October to later November.
Financial Outlook
Ready to beef up to some degree or percentage
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Focused on the future.
Karma Numbers:
0, 3, 5, 8, 9
Buzz Words:
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your desire for leadership. Personal recognition for your efforts and absolute control over your own affairs is very strong now. You are very competitive in business affairs and business and you aggressively present your concerns and interests to colleagues and superiors. Anger over an inability to be first or to be on top, is quite possible, but you won't take it lying down, you are ready to fight if necessary in order to forge ahead! If you are a writer, teacher, student, or involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you, ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling, negotiating, and communications of all kinds. Read more...