Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

January 13, 2014 - January 19, 2014

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Family and Personal Life

Spending, especially for domestic NEEDS, basics and some 'extra fluff' situations like entertainment, electronics, communications devices and some forms of 'rewards or gifts' is very likely, particularly for members who are Capricorn, Cancer, Leo or Virgo. Educational expense is likely to go 'on the rise' for Lions with youth in the home along with ANY kind of sports, hobby or scholastic related spending needs. Push to get as much done as you can the 13th to 18th as your 'total plate' begins to load and BIG TIME, leaving most Lions with very little time for family, domestic needs, errands and etc.

Love and Romance

Romance may be a bid 'confusing' for some Lions this week until we get to the 16th; then things start to not only CLEAR up but turn in a far more cooperative direction. A very TINY cross section of you may terminate status, but it appears it is ONLY for those slated to 'then move suddenly in newer and bigger' more important status. Several Lions appear to be making BIG commitment plans, most likely for either Valentine's day or the week of the 3rd in what can be 'major life steps' like marriage, engagement, moves, house building/buying and bringing on BABIES! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

Friends are very dear to you and loyalty is JOB ONE, but some of you may be 'up against' a sort of 'emotional test' or involved in one with a friend 'like it or not'. How it all 'shakes out' is going to be important to you but remember what my daddy always said: "It ain't over until it's over." Things may NOT be what they seem at the time AND... it MAY go 'from bad to worse' before it gets better, especially between the 24th and 31st.

Career Advancements

Just 'solve the problem' the 13th to 15th and focus on 'each and every JOB AT HAND' while you're doing it. Take each day 'one at a time' do not try to 'connect anything' as there may BE a connection [but only in VERY few situations] and time is wasted trying to 'solve or get to the bottom' of things; don't seek blame or responsibility; just solve and move on quickly. The 'culprit' will eventually be revealed. Don't be surprised if it is either mechanical or 'no one person's fault'. The 16th all the way to the 18th appear VERY productive and highly rewarding, ON sight or off!

Financial Outlook

Somewhat promising, especially on 'expected' issues.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Focused and dedicated

Karma Numbers:

0, 5, 10, 11, 45

Buzz Words:

Contemplation first but 'fast'

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, Aries

General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to work out details on your own. You may be wearing your emotions on your sleeve, so react only if you are ready to listen to others feelings, as well. Only give your heart to those who take you at face value. Others will try to be part of the judging committee but you need to make your own decisions. Create a diversion to keep them busy, while you work alone. Once you get lost in the details, you won't be able to hear anything else. Brilliant ideas will have a way of arriving out of necessity. You'll be right on target and nothing will cause you to lose your aim. Your talents and achievements will be well noted in the record. Your task is to manipulate things so that they don't get out of control. By week's end you should try to relax and enjoy yourself. Lucky Numbers: 4, 20, 21, 22, 31, 40 Read more...