Weekly Horoscope for Leo
March 25, 2013 - March 31, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Responsibilities tend to run a big on the HEFTY side this week with demands on your wallet, time, discipline decisions, personal charm, focus and HOW you 'deal with authority'. You may be faced with confrontation of elders/parents the 30th OR, it could simply be 'the law' as in traffic tickets. Don't SPEED! Practicality rules the 25/26th, pleasing a spouse/mate may cause compromises for you the 27/28th and 'the right thing to do' vs. your ego/experience, scruples and truth may cause a mini dilemma for you the 29/30th. Choose wisely, Grasshopper!
Love Horoscope
Here we see one HOT and promising 'energy' as the universe has 'opened a door' that may have been closed to a hefty cross section of you previously. Some Lions who thought themselves 'out of the game' may be spinning on a WHOLE new scenario by/before the 29/30th, as rare aspects the 26th, especially the 28th and later on the 30th may place a 'new ball game' in their paths. Paired Lions may have to 'suffer through emotional discussions/decisions' like it or not, that same time frame. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
It is POSSIBLE for a small cross section of you that a pal may 'come to you' and make demands, launch complaints or make comments that 'give you pause' to assess your behavior, life or 'treatment of them' you were NOT aware of. Don't 'kill the messenger' on any bad or 'revealing' news either!
Career Highlights
This can be a fast moving week that brings you 'a great deal of work' a hefty load, several small challenges that mount into one demanding week or you may be 'cut short' in cooperation, resources or time and the 'compression' of a deadline could case mistakes near the 28th into 29th; don't allow yourself to be manipulated, hurried or distracted. Some may be doing it "on purpose!"
Must be carefully watched and 'metered' out or handled.
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Your personal charm is at a new time 'high' the 28th and powerful...!
Karma Numbers:
2, 4, 8, 12, 48, including 1948 and those born in it or companies formed during it.
Buzz Words:
Keep your 'mind/focus' on the 'job at hand' at ALL times.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to be more focused and disciplined. You may feel as if there is great pressure on you to perform. The key is to proceed very slowly and to prioritize yourself. Your ability to concentrate and focus on your work is important at this time. Family relations will be sensitized to your influences. The healing rays of energy you provide to others benefit everyone. Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 12, 21, 36, 42 Read more...
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