Weekly Horoscope for Leo
January 7, 2013 - January 13, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Cooperation may be at its best the AM of the 7th, most of the 9th and from the 11th to 13th this week. Make your requests low key the 7th to 10th and then push for more the 11th to 13th. Any spouse issues or needs become less of a problem after the 9th. Lions with 'educating age youth' in the house may see spending soar the 8th to 10th, especially for vehicles, travel, fees, extra curricular needs, living condition necessities and health coverage.
Love Horoscope
Your charm is at its best the 7th and being 'granted' what you ask/maneuver for is highly likely, also once again later on the 11th but between the two, lies a great deal of 'do it yourself time'. Unless you motivate your love interest ON YOUR OWN, not much will come to you. Singles show both the 7th and the 11th to 13th as excellent hunting ground for success in both quick returns and long range success. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Pals may be a bit on the 'needy side' this week, especially if they are Sagittarius. Going the distance to loan, bail or even 'run out and rescue' a buddy that is 'stuck out a distance away' is highly likely. Whether they are too blotto to drive or have broken down vehicles; both may require your attention and devotion or you may be 'out a pal' one way or the other!
Career Highlights
Your best cooperation day appears to be the AM of the 7th, dwindling only mid afternoon but quickly. Some 'left over' support and/or promises can still be 'cashed in on' the 8th but move FAST. Being 'dumped on' the 9th is highly likely and working late, hard and/or alone may go along with it. The good news is self employed and commission based Lions or those in corporate settings show BIG new opportunities 'served UP to them' the 11th and they appear to link into the 17/18th, week of the 21st and/or possibly, all of Feb or even April!
Improving consistently
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Excited but not until the 10/11th.
Karma Numbers:
2, 10, 45, 62, 82, including 19's '62 and '82.
Buzz Words:
Strong direction.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to look past the immediate and focus on the long term. You may need to face issues in your personal life. You can't continue to avoid the obvious. New ideas may rekindle your interest to work with a team. On a good team, praise and criticism should be equally valued assets. Put your ideas on paper and together you'll be able to come up with a perfect solution. A Libra native will figure prominently. Physical appearance and material wealth are only part of your charm. Your generosity will allow you to share the spotlight with those concerned. Accept your share humbly and don't allow your ambition to lead you down the wrong path. Be sure your wishes are precise, as misunderstandings are possible. Read more...
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