Weekly Horoscope for Leo
October 8, 2012 - October 14, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Many demands, expenses and travel, vehicle or transportation needs may 'build/threaten' to take an impressive bite out of your wallet or plans this week near the 8th to 10th, especially IF you have 'self employment' family business or are 'growing' a goal/opportunity WITH other family members in your household. Follow your gut feelings on spending decisions, especially near the 11/12th as 'an ounce of prevention' may be worth ten pounds of cure during this 4th quarter moon transit week. An overwhelming scheduled for the 11th to 13th may require greater tact in holding both your tongue AND 'things together'. The moon will be in Leo and in the 4th quarter; tapping all your resources; mental AND material!
Love Horoscope
Romance does well for ALL Lions this week, single AND paired as long as they remember ONE THING: well, three things, actually; compassion, consideration and COMMUNICATION! Consider a partner's position, needs and feelings. Thoughtfulness REALLY pays off this week in each and every opportunity you TAKE or give. Also, address their needs, fears, emotions and thoughts with a 'keen ear' and 'take the time' to listen to their 'story'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Honor and fairness given to pals this week, SURELY really 'pays off big time' as quickly as the support you'll get or need the 10th to 13th or as far out as later Dec '12 into later Jan '13. Show them you think of them when you are not together and offer an expression of 'thoughtfulness' often. Things you do THIS week, can be 'recounted' and appreciated 'returned' right when you'll need them!
Career Highlights
Your stars show profitable ripples on the pond, some of which you send out the 8th, another batch near the later hours of the afternoon of the 10th and some that 'bring good returns' [but later] all day the 12th. Off site schmoozing the 13th may land you some interesting 'leverage' and may help to garner big profit near later Jan '13 to April of '13. Be punctual, especially the 11/12th as the moon will be in Virgo and 'fine details' will rule the day! You may be offered the chance to 'make a serious change' near the 10/11th, BUT, make sure it is one you can 'well afford'. Frugality rules!
Poorly cooperative but potentially promising
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Easily distracted, especially the 10/11th
Karma Numbers:
4, 19, 22, 43, 44
Buzz Words:
Just 'get through it'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your showmanship & flair to share your creative ideas, concepts to those in power. Exhibit benefits of new venture. Stay focused on bringing your greatest asset to the forefront, your confidence. Once you feel confident in yourself you will influence others. Peers may try to question your authority, reply with positive financial feedback. Collect & study facts & faces, you may be tested to remember, later. This would be a bad time for a snap decision about someone's character. It may be too early to read the riot act, but you probably shouldn't hand over the keys to the vault. Despite their history, people can change. Leos who are selling something are likely to close their deals and get top dollar. People are your life blood, your art form, and your source of wonder. Everyone is fascinated when you dominate the conversation. Read more...
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