Weekly Horoscope for Leo
July 23, 2012 - July 29, 2012
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Leo
Family and Personal Life
You show 'best ease' highest cooperation and good results the 23rd, late on the 25th, most of the 28th and late on the 29th; other than that, there may be some 'dicey times' where tact, less force and 'psychological honesty' may get you more. Some spots appear to be a real 'balancing act' particularly IF you deal with a mix of Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer and/or Sagittarius members. The more; the more tact will be needed!
Love and Romance
Romance does best IF you use caution in 'your approach' near the more emotionally treacherous times of the 24th to 27th. A decision of some kind may be required the 26/27th that appears 'deeply personal' and may touch romantic dynamics [old or new] for a reasonable cross section of you. Resolution or inauguration of any kind flies BEST the 28th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
New friends are indicated near the 24/25th and old ones appears to 'really need you big time' the 26/27th in what may be an almost karmic 'reversal of situations' that are almost 'reflective' or similar in some way. IF you bite into this 'other side of the coin' energy, be sure to balance, equalize and replay any 'karma' that is banked.
Career Advancements
Ventures go very well near the 23rd and show excellent profit AND cooperation potential, especially IF Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, other Lions, Aries or Sagittarius are involved. Some travel is very likely and IF it hits in near the 25th, relates to the 27th to 29th 'in any way' it may signal omens of epic proportion/s. Handle this one right and you may see 'big things' as soon as the 30/31st.
Financial Outlook
VERY promising!
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Strong, willful and well directed
Karma Numbers:
6, 8, 9, 11, 99, including 1999
Buzz Words:
Trust your gut.
Compatible Sign(s):
Libra, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by distractions & your need to concentrate on your goals. What you have to do seems not only tedious, but also somehow irrelevant. In a way, this is a blessing, because it opens you up to operating in a new, rather unconventional manner. People will notice and applaud your ingenuity. Relations with the most important people in your life are, for the most part, positive. It is important not to focus on work while talking with your mate. Instead, talk of romantic times the two of you have shared and enjoyed. Turn on your charm. It could put you in each other's arms in the most pleasurable of ways. Read more...