Weekly Horoscope for Leo
July 9, 2012 - July 15, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A great many things may be expected of you the 9th to 11th and spending is likely to skyrocket, especially on basic needs, repairs, vehicles and any Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Aquarius members. A small argument near the 12th would not be uncommon and unless contained quickly, could trickle into the 13th, especially if money, emotions, Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer or Capricorn are involved. Both the 14th and 15th appear filled with lengthy discussion but may be 'very constructive' in the long run.
Love Horoscope
This is not a good week for paired Lions, especially IF finance and/or 'youth and youth discipline/behavior' becomes a topic. Be tactful, especially with elders, in-laws and particularly 'extended family' situations. Having to confront angry ex's is NOT enjoyable! Any issues that DO arise, appear to quell nicely the 13th to 15th. Single Lions may do well on 14/15th. A love interest may confess their feelings. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Invitations are likely near both the 9/10th AND the 13/14th; you may be able 'afford the time away' on the first one and the 'cost' on the second may be more 'physical' than financial. Ask yourself 'am I really UP to this event?' If you are; go for it!
Career Highlights
Happy 'groups' of people are indicated this week and some hefty negotiations and other types of 'back and forth' contriving are likely but the big message is 'are they ALL happy?' IF you are confident it's 'yes' continue to roll but any faction that is NOT happy, may cause complications for you the week of the 23rd; when many of you show 'huge opportunity/profit'.
Level but 'good'
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Focused on the near future, big time!
Karma Numbers:
2, 10, 11, 15, 25
Buzz Words:
Game changers
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to spend some time with family. Don't allow your boss make you feel guilty enough to take work home. You may need to make a choice. Don't feel guilty. You need to take care of your own needs. Hold on to what you've got. Put your money into sure things. You may not be able to solve all your problems, but you can start by making changes. You must not let anyone talk you into lending money. Gambling should be off limits, and letting children take advantage of your generosity will result in loss. You will be just as difficult to get along with as your partner. Try to create some distance, both doing your own things. Don't let your mate talk you into going somewhere you'd rather not. Look into alternatives that would better suit both your needs. Read more...
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