Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

June 11, 2012 - June 17, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may have to scramble a bit near the 11th and hike spending to solve, save or placate. So not 'push an issue' the 11/12th or 13th, especially with siblings of any sign, Pisces, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Leo. You show excellent cooperation in a SEA of negative, challenging energies that is afloat this week. Other may be 'turning to you often' and seeking guidance frequently.

Love Horoscope

While this is not a good week for many signs, it may be actually promising for many single Leos and low profile/hassle for paired ones as long as they AVOID certain topics like sibling issues, money, vehicles, youth discipline and educational choices. Promising slots of time near the later hours of each day the 12th to 15th may all evenings excellent for singles! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A pal may do you a 'huge favor' even without your asking near the 12th to 14th, especially in 'inside connections' to solve problems, open opportunities or make introductions! The 'bigger' the opportunity, the more likely pals 'serve you successfully'.

Career Highlights

Networking is essential this week and can foster great profit and potential but the pattern for the week is like this: Back off BIUG time the 11th, be patient with delays the 12th, push like crazy 'all day' the 13th to milk it for all it's worth, show respect and 'give them lots of room' the 14th and be willing to 'play ball' talk turkey and 'make a deal' the 15th for a successful week in career!


Very promising!

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Clear and insightful once we hit the 13th.

Karma Numbers:

13, 22, 23, 55, 63 including 1963.

Buzz Words:

'Handling' management and maintenance

Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to get things completed prior to starting your next project. You've gotten behind and need to get a better grasp of things. You usually work hard but lately you've been very lax in matters of importance. Everyone is a specialist or is in need of one. Prove that you know more than your history suggests. Save time and money by drawing on the resources that you already possess. If this strategy has worked for you in the past, then it will probably work again. Strike a happy medium with authorities who are being too rigid about your boundaries. An apology, a smile or a hug will get you what you want. Things are changing quickly and you need to get with the program. True friendships will be able to withstand the upcoming changes. By week's end you'll feel in control once again. Friends and family will notice the transformation and be very happy with the results. You'll have the upper hand in a friendship or romance. Promise them a massage and your wish will be their command. Read more...

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