Weekly Horoscope for Leo
September 26, 2005 - October 2, 2005
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A disappointment the 26th may help you learn a lesson or gain an insight. Better cooperation the 27th may make you feel better, especially about children, spouse, Leo, Cancer, Libra or Aries members. The 28/29th your patience is drained but you appear to have to/need to 'put on a happy face,' for someone else's benefit, especially if they are ill or frightened. The 29th to 1st you appear to 'have to make a choice for another and forsake yourself.' This is a rather size-able 'milestone in life,' for those Lions who hit this one and comes with my highest warning to 'pay attention' and make the right choice. A great success is indicted for the 1st and while it appears career/romantic for most Leo's, may be the right outcome unfolding for those who hit the afore mentioned 'warning.'
Love Horoscope
Romance holds a huge 'landmark' day near the 30th to 2nd and may single Lions may be popping the question or ending up 'at the next level of commitment,' this week. Invitations to celebrate love in the form of parties and weddings are likely along with invites to travel or tryst. Have fun, you guys! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Friends may be a source of invitation for holidays like Christmas, New Year or celebrations like birthday parties and other 'joyous occasions.' Meeting new love interests AT these events is highly likely, so DO attend if you are 'looking.'
Career Highlights
Great ease near the 27th may give you the green light to an open door of opportunity that may be a fast meeting or encounter or just the 'right moment' to make a pitch or connection. Extort! Libra, Leo, Aries, Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio may be greater help than they realize at the time. Play yourself/role 'down' near the 30th and back out of the spotlight to make yourself 'look good in the long run.'
Can be slightly problematic but solve VERY fast.
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Looking 'outside of self.'
Karma Numbers:
2, 8, 9, 28, 29
Buzz Words:
Trust your gut.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by intuitive feelings about domestic & personal changes. Don't become angry with family or friends. Listen to friends, their advice may be valuable. You will have to gauge your activities wisely, or exhaustion will result. Travel will be tiring and uneventful. Home entertaining could provide you with stimulating ideas, however expect your new acquaintances to be a little pushy at first. Don't be drawn into a questionable plan, gossip will only result in making you look bad. Domestic purchases will be profitable, you should be looking into real estate buys or a residential move. Get into self-improvement projects that will take your mind off your troubles. Necessary changes in your home environment may not seem welcome, but they will be favorable in the long run. Read more...
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