Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
February 7, 2011 - February 13, 2011
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
Family and Personal Life
Your mind is quick and your humor good the 7/8th, which blends well with the cooperation you'll most likely get but you may hit a wall near the 9/10th when small financial challenges surface but they appear to be 'necessities' that are only a challenge because they domino and cause some 'juggling' and need for creative financing and priority choosing. A very enjoyable and cheerful weekend is indicated as if many of you have formal to informal gatherings planned with ample exchanges ranging from light discussions and jokes to planning sessions and heavy or deep and 'revealing' talks.
Love and Romance
Romance that is HAD this week, appears to be HAD 'on the fly' as you may be too busy for much more than 'can I get your number?' until we reach the 11th when follow up will be a necessity. IF you are reading this because you MET a Gemini, chances are they WILL take the time to contact you after the 11th OR, waiting until then, is the perfect time to do so. The Twin is the most playful near the evenings of the 11/12th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Several 'networking' opportunities this week will most likely have a lot of Twins 'on the go' and exchanging info and local travel like a colony of ants! A lot of 'back and forth' energy the 7th to 9th and then again the 11th may be gatherings, shared hobbies, looking in on pals or 'hooking up' on various career related necessities.
Career Advancements
Coworkers and industry 'pals' may have you 'on the go' this week and several exchanges, errands, on and off site gatherings are very likely, especially near the 7th to 9th and gain the 11th. A minor 'delay' the AM of the 8th may create a set back but it appears to lift quickly within 4 to 6 or 12 to 14 hours. A 'mistake' on an amount is likely near the 10th but you can avoid it by double checking late on the 9th or very early on the 10th.
Financial Outlook
Choppy until the 8th and then very good.
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
Quick, insightful
Karma Numbers:
7, 13, 14, 34, 51, especially 1951
Buzz Words:
Network 'buzz' -- read it, glean it, use it.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to advance your creative ideas and concepts to those in power. Don't rush any decisions, play the waiting game. Recent events will make you aware of how precious life is. Exhibit benefits of new venture. Verify accounting procedures, make sure everything is on track. Stay focused on bringing your greatest asset to the forefront, your confidence. Once you feel confident in yourself, you will be able to influence others. Peers may try to question your authority, reply with positive financial feedback. Collect & study facts & faces, you may be tested to remember, later. You are due to receive a gift or a bonus. Perform your heart out, enjoy the limelight. Offers you receive may be exciting, but you will need time to digest all of the information you have received. Family members, co-workers will vie for your attention. Listen to them, but try not to get overwhelmed by the requests you receive. Help where you can, but don't put any of your own plans on hold. Express your inner thoughts & feelings to someone close to you. They will be able to help you deal with something that's very close to your heart. Read more...