Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

May 19, 2008 - May 25, 2008

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Family and Personal Life

Looking for cooperation? Won't get it THIS week! At least not the 20th to 23rd and again on the 25th. You appear to have to invest HUGE amounts of energy into the 23rd to 25th with patience your number one commodity, especially for elders, dependent personalities, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Virgo and other Twin members. Spending goes on the rise sharply the 20th to 22nd as does YOUR vulnerability to fatigue, mistakes, accidents and illness.

Love and Romance

Romance may throw you a king sized challenge near the 20/21st and again near the 24th, especially with Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, Libra or Cancer. Use calm communications tactics and appear as 'reasonable' as you can using a LOT of compromise. Single Twins looking may find sparse pickings ALL through the week and what connections ARE made, MAY be 'short lived' and take a digger as soon as the 25/26th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

A small 'mini crisis' with/over a pal is likely this week, especially for/with Sagittarius, Cancer, other Twins, Taurus or Libra and possibly near the 20th to 22nd and/or the 25th. Be there, listen, support but don't 'put too much of your spirit or wallet' in the mix.

Career Advancements

HERE is where you need to apply your 'special attention' skills. Be a real observer this week and keep your mind open to ideas AND 'info;' read between the lines, problem solve fast, schedule ALL important needs/meetings and be willing to burn the midnight oil often since the weeks of 5/26, 5/2 and half of 5/9 appear very challenging and peppered with small problems, likely setbacks and poor quality cooperation.

Financial Outlook

Fair to good

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Weakened and distracted and in need of strong focus

Karma Numbers:

6, 12, 18, 21, 22

Buzz Words:

Work ahead

Compatible Sign(s):

Other Gemini

General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for some peace and quiet. You can expect those you live with to have their own ideas about how they want things done around the house. Be sure to pamper yourself by doing exactly what you want and not what everyone else wants. You will not take personal criticism well. Don't retaliate verbally or tempers will escalate. Don't argue; just work in your own space and avoid getting into heated debates. You can expect delays or problems with shipments, operating equipment or mail. You would be wise to delve into creative projects or hobbies to keep out of trouble. Instant romance will not be lasting. Take precautions if you wish to spare your heart. Your concern for older family members and those who need help will enhance your reputation. You can form partnerships that will be fruitful and long lasting. Read more...