Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
December 5, 2005 - December 11, 2005
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Some small cause for 'worry' appears to enter near the 6th and it may be an elderly member that draws concern. Fix it fast and you'll be 'done dealing,' by the 7th. An important 'family decision' may require a 'sit down,' discussion near the 7th to 9th and keep emotions OUT of the equation is essential, especially in/if dealing with Pisces, Cancer, children, Aries, Scorpio or Sagittarius members. An enjoyable weekend is indicated with some unexpected events, spending and/or travel/company likely.
Love Horoscope
romance does rather well this week. Some Twins CAN see 'an old love interest' cross their path in 'some way, shape or form,' or hear info about one. Likely candidates appear to be Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius and Leo. Use caution if you choose to 're-ignite.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Friends can be very helpful if not 'life saving' in 'running issues past them,' first before proceeding further, especially with investments of love, time, energy rather so much than 'actual money.' Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Gemini and Virgo pals can be very 'insightful,' for you.
Career Highlights
Keep your week rolling along as you are in some of THE best territory for accomplishments. Running into old pals and networking connections can be very profitable, especially near the 5th to 7th. Decide upon things the 8th and push to 'finish' the 9th. While you can use the week of the 12 yet, your best 'ground laying time,' is now! Any 'info gathering' that you anticipate needing for next week, especially for financial reasons MUST be done this week.
Promising AND 'delivering.'
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
Cheerful, creative and almost 'psychic.'
Karma Numbers:
2, 5, 11, 12, 50
Buzz Words:
Do it now!
Compatible Sign(s):
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo and Aquarius.
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for some peace and quiet. You can expect those you live with to have their own ideas about how they want things done around the house. Be sure to pamper yourself by doing exactly what you want and not what everyone else wants. You will not take personal criticism well. Don't retaliate verbally or tempers will escalate. Don't argue; just work in your own space and avoid getting into heated debates. You can expect delays or problems with shipments, operating equipment or mail. You would be wise to delve into creative projects or hobbies to keep out of trouble. Instant romance will not be lasting. Take precautions if you wish to spare your heart. Your concern for older family members and those who need help will enhance your reputation. You can form partnerships that will be fruitful and long lasting. Read more...
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