Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
March 9, 2020 - March 15, 2020
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
Family and Personal Life
A great deal of work may be brought to you on Monday the 9th as Mercury goes direct and the full moon in Virgo promises not only success but profit.
Tuesday the 11th appears to be a highly accomplished day but you will have to use applications of patients as you deal in exchanges with signs like Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo and Gemini throughout the day until the end of business hours and then you can relax.
Wednesday the 11th make very few demands upon the day and its expectations as well as making very few demands upon yourself.
Thursday the 12th is a time for discipline work and serious thinking. It's also a time for excellent planning as you structure your near and distant future you will find the plans you make today are likely to be highly successful as you move forward.
Friday the 13th is a smooth and successful day with excellent interactions and wonderful support and cooperation from others especially Aries, Leo, Pisces, Scorpio and other Capricorn. An excellent evening is indicated with high rates of success in exchanges with members of the opposite sex and wonderful friendship and romantic energies.
Saturday others may come to you seeking advice and you are in an excellent position to not only handout good advice, but to receive some as well, if you are in need. Seek out signs like Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Aries and Leo.
Sunday the 15th is wonderful me time quality day and if you're not spending it with friends and family it would be wise for you to choose something you love to do and just hide out.
Love and Romance
Romantic love takes on a very steamy veneer the 9th to 11th as the more seductive, emotional and sexual aspects of your nature seem to take over and call a lot of the shots this week. After a dramatic change the 11th, you settle into a willingness to sort of negotiate any romantic upgrades or commitments and are less likely to be lead into them. Your feet back on terra-firma you are most likely focusing on discussing the future the 12th to 15th with an eye toward optimism;... this is rare for you. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Invitations are very likely but depending upon your age group, some of you may be in flux adapting to change, unsure of yourself or not in a space to feel like playing with sports, hobbies or passions. A little distraction like retail therapy or something like it, might actually help in some cases, but other than that; don't be surprised if you just don't feel like doing it but be sure to let your pal know it has nothing to do with them!!! You sometimes leave that part dangling or leave it off altogether.
Career Advancements
Keep any and all personal issues feelings, activities and information out of the work place this week, especially the 10th to 12th and focus on being strictly professional all the way with stone faced resolve. Shy away from those airing dirty laundry and do not be seen as a time waster, water cooler gossip or in any group or circle of unhappy or distressed employees.
Financial Outlook
A struggle to keep practical and under control.
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Over estimating but better safe than sorry.
Karma Numbers:
2, 3, 4, 89, 90
Buzz Words:
Level headed all the way!
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to find a practical use for other's talents. You know what's best for others and more than likely you'll be able to convince them of it. Instead of assuming that your system is perfect, allow others to test its flaws. Your source is pure even if the output is limited right now. Collect what you can find and use it wisely. Lately, you seem to have been taken off track from your personal interests & goals. Other situations have taken over & become a real priority for you. It's time to get back to the basics. Take the time you need now to be able to look at things from a different perspective. Meet a challenge in your own time and on your own turf. Friends share a bond that will survive any misunderstandings that may occur. They will try to help you through your emotional difficulties. Allow them to teach you new ways to battle your foes & lift your spirits. Time together will help you to deal with emotional hurts. Try to plan a week-end getaway with family & friends. You'll be glad you did. Read more...