Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
October 14, 2019 - October 20, 2019
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
Family and Personal Life
Monday the 14th is an excellent day to plan ahead, especially for events like the winter holidays or anything as far out as late May to late June of next year. Your judgment is excellent and your mind is keen and sharp. You may even have the information or tools at hand but make sure your decisions are all based on your own information and not any provided by others.
Tuesday the 15th indications are that you can accomplish nicely throughout the day if you remember to use patience often as it will be needed many times.
Wednesday the 16th good news on finance and assistance from signs like Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, other Capricorns and Virgo may help to support your day even further.
Thursday 17th there's a great deal of discussion, meetings and other types of talking in different forms of venues likely and many of them may help to bolster your financial profit situations even further.
Friday the 17th examine any repressed emotions that you have been carrying lately and flush them out of your psyche before they twist your day in the wrong direction.
Saturday the 19th indications are for an accomplished day but you must get your duties done quickly so you can enjoy the lion's share of the quality part of the day.
Sunday the 20th stick with your original plans for the day if you want it to be successful. There is also new career opportunities slated for a hefty cross-section of you about to come down from the cosmos. This is some form of reward. For those of you who are retired it will take the form of unexpected windfall profit or money.
Love and Romance
Both single and paired Sea Goats show excellent good fortune in romantic love this week as paired Capricorns need to talk and show gratitude and loyalty to the, every day persona who backs you and singles may need to come out of the closet a bit farther and be more demonstrative about their affections and depth of love so the other person has a leg to stand on! How can they return interest if they are perpetually unsure of how you feel, to any degree!? There may be a lot of Cappies getting pinged this week. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
In addition to being terrified to show the depth of your love, you sometimes are also a bit hesitant to show your affection and true nature to a pal sometimes. Even pals need to know you love them, respect them and appreciate the things they do. By acknowledging any gesture they make you answer that question for them. You don't have to gush (you are not a gusher by far!) but you can make some kind of, demonstrative gesture or comment.
Career Advancements
This can be a well organized and fully cooperative week for you and it all begins with hearing and acknowledging the lesson that is hidden in the 14th, usually later in the day for most of you. Success is right at the end of your finger tips this week for a hefty cross section of you! You don't even need any help, but if it comes this week, it comes near the 14th or 16th and in the form of energy from Scorpio, Cancer, Libra or a, bosses boss. The higher up, the better the quality. Travel is an outcome of accomplishments this week and if travel equals money in your line of work; then indicators are excellent!
Financial Outlook
Up and down until the 17th and then cooperative
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Focused on forward progress only.
Karma Numbers:
9, 10, 11, 19, 90
Buzz Words:
Outwit the witless and out maneuver the manipulator/s
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to multi task. Plan carefully and avoid obstacles that others have put in your way. You may tend to overspend if you go shopping. Don't let friends or relatives interfere in your love relationship. Make up your own mind. Get out and interact with others. Dig deep and discover the truth. You're going to have to rely on your imagination to help you find a good solution. It's time to make your move. You may like the people you are working for but money talks. Don't take a risk, gamble or spend money you can't afford to part with. Little annoyances will cause outbursts of temper that could easily lead to estrangement. Curl up with a good book and refuse to let anyone trigger your anger. Hobbies will be a satisfying outlet. You've taken on too much, and now you're going to have to become a juggler to meet your deadlines. Read more...