Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
September 3, 2012 - September 9, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Cooperation is poor the 3/4th but spending goes on the rise nonetheless, especially for food, medical/fitness needs, repairs, vehicles and travel in general. A 'break' near the 5/6th may allow you to catch up but long talks and/or 'revealing info' that surfaces the 7/8th may launch 'new spending' on hitherto yet 'unknown' issues or needs.
Love Horoscope
You are prone to be the 'target' of sarcastic or caustic comments or words near the 3rd, especially IF paired to Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, who rarely do so [unless they are cusped on Aries or Aquarius.] Be forgiving but remember the 'infraction' IF it arises again between the 8th and 11th and then 'bring it out again to set them straight'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Ask a pal's opinion, especially about an emotional issue or an 'unclear exchange' particularly IF it happens near either the 3/4th or 7/8th. Seek buddies like Aries, Taurus, Libra, Leo or other Caps for 'balanced insight' and the 'right thing to do or NOT do'. Also, timing is essential. Gauge yours carefully IF reacting to any 'lash out' from a buddy.
Career Highlights
You appear to have a great deal 'brought to you' this week and it may come in the form of opportunity or 'outright demands' from higher ups, especially IF it hits in near the 4/5th and/or the 7th. Pay close attention to the 'root source' of the request or need and IF it comes from 'above the person above the person above you' or even higher, then do all you CAN!
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Introverted and thoughtful
Karma Numbers:
4, 7, 19, 35, 62, including 1962.
Buzz Words:
Practical application/s.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by changes in your career objectives. Your skills are a valuable asset to any team on which you're a player. Hold off on making your report final until you have listened to others concerns. There will also be changes in your domestic affairs. A chance meeting will be the start of a fresh new relationship. Spend some quality time & realize how special you feel. Your entire outlook will be transformed. Gatherings may be heated, refuse to take sides in family disagreements. It'll only cause you to make bad feelings. Don't allow negative comments you hear to discourage your progress. Watch for opportunities that could soon become available to you. Take a moment to study the situation from all angles. Read more...
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