Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
March 24, 2008 - March 30, 2008
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
Family and Personal Life
You talk and they actually LISTEN the 24th so get your most important points across then. Gather them together near the 24/25th if 'saving' time, effort or money is the discussion and making changes in schedule or procedure is how you wish to do it. Zip your lip to in-laws, spouse, VIRGO, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Cancer near the 26th. Sit down discussions once again go off very well the 29th if you use 'tact' and hold it 'early in the day.'
Love and Romance
Romance does fine this week as long as you remember NOT to 'push a point' near the 25th to 27th, especially IF you are paired to Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, other Sea Goat or Virgo. Good news in love is likely the 28th to 30th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Friends appear to be helpful, supportive and generous this week, especially near the 29th and with other Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus and Scorpio buddies. Invitations to celebrate, gather or travel can also come in.
Career Advancements
Push for necessities and big moves the 24th and then switch to low profile the 25/26th. Then go back up to willing to mix and be more 'center stage' the 27th. Back off near power figures, jealous coworkers and gossipers the 28th. Avoid being seen as 'part of any negative group' like complainers or time wasters the later hours of the 27th through the 28th.
Financial Outlook
Fair to good
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Emotionally sensitive
Karma Numbers:
3, 5, 9. 10, 11
Buzz Words:
Busier and busier
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to look at situations logically. Your insight will allow you to make constructive suggestions. Your creative talent needs an outlet. Be prepared to show your work, you will get support. Someone who is trying to make you look bad will misinterpret your words. Be careful. Don't get involved with a person who is already committed to someone else. One-sided attractions will be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Deception will cause confusion. If you bend over backward to help friends in need, you will enhance your reputation. Don't be too demanding or negative with youngsters. You tend to want the best for everyone you love. Your desires may lead to isolation or retaliation. Read more...