Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

October 7, 2019 - October 13, 2019

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Family and Personal Life

Monday the 7th proves to be a relatively challenging day in as much as the aspects for today are like an obstacle course showing erratic behavior from others that challenge you if not directly, then indirectly, they show worry and insecurity either from you or surrounding you by others and losses from gambling in the mid-afternoon or from taking choices or chances that feel or seem risky on some level. This is not your style as you like to take the traditional and more reliable path. Say no to any of those more chancy directions.

Tuesday the 8th is a solid and productive day with great cooperation from others and cheerful attitudes to surround you the entirety of the day showing great productivity.

Wednesday the 9th is another excellent day with only a small degree of cage rattling, impulsive energy likely, as we reach days end. You can hack it until then.

Thursday the 10th is an excellent day to sort through and divide things into groups and compartments of accomplishment and then chop right through them successfully until you have accomplished all that you have set forth, just like a group of dominoes falling. You will be very pleased with yourself by the time the day is finished. It's also an excellent day to decide upon things that you have planned well into the future.

Friday the 11th it will be very difficult for you to maintain any kind of schedule as interruptions, distractions and a whole harangue of personal interference is possible for a hefty cross-section of you. However, several pieces of enlightening discussions are indicated and information may be dropped in your lap at any moment.

Saturday the 12th appears to be a busy and demanding day with discussions and a high rate of energy in the air.

Sunday the 13th we have that big, fat full moon in Aries and it's likely to really give you a great deal of energy and a strong desire to make big promises and big plans along with big dreams that go with them. You want things ideal and ideal you shall have them.

Love and Romance

This can be a very productive week in love for the Crab, particularly the single Crab who is activity seeking and there may even be a few temptations or surprises for the retired Crab who swears they have sworn off. In cases of paired Crabs; as long as you can get yourselves on the same page by or before the 11th, you'll do just fine. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

This is a very good week in friendship but a small cross section of you may find that one or more pal is in a space to draw a line in the sand mostly due to clashes with/between other pals or in their own families or relationships. Do the best you can to help them but stay out of the middle!

Career Advancements

Things move very quickly this week as that is the overall pervasive indication/s; deals go down fast, assignments are handed out quickly and results may be expected in a somewhat unreasonable time frame/goal, especially if Leo, Aries, Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn are involved. Issues with or over coworkers are also possible and maintaining a low profile avoiding water cooler gossip and keeping your head down is wise this week, especially the morning of the 7th, afternoon of the 8th and all day the 10th.

Financial Outlook

Actually, good, but only after the 11th.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Willing to be highly cooperative

Karma Numbers:

9, 11, 16, 69, 75, including 19's 69 and 75.

Buzz Words:

Find a trustworthy person to co venture with in career and personal life but not the same person in both.

Compatible Sign(s):


General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to take the time to smell the daisies. You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now. Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted, either by freak accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely. There is great depth to your conversations. You find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters and also asking very penetrating questions of others. superficial answers don't satisfy you now. This is an excellent time to investigate a complex problem or mystery, look for something that has been lost or hidden, and also to learn more about your own inner depths. Read more...