Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
November 4, 2013 - November 10, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Make your days easier by focusing on communications. Have a central location where agendas, goals, needs and reminders can be seen by all: in our house it's the fridge but wherever works for you is the place to spruce up and get their attention. Having to clean, change or prepare for company, travel, vacation plans or remodeling is also very likely. Break out the air bed and spruce up the guest room!
Love Horoscope
Romance does very well but there will be a LOT of 'talking' going on. Some will be 'getting to know you' lengthy talks while others may be emotionally revealing 'sharing' situations. In any case, the 'ties' deepen through discussion this week and it appears to be JUST what you need, especially the 5th to 7th. Crabs who POSSIBLY DO suffer any kind of 'termination' energy this week, find replacements super fast! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
New friends are likely, especially Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces and Taurus and they appear to be great at bringing you new hobbies, distractions and best of all 'other friends'. Some may also provide a real 'sibling' feel and/or take the place of siblings you miss or 'never had'.
Career Highlights
Mistakes near the 4th are likely and may be made 'over your head' trickling down to a problem for you. Just fix it and say nothing. Get as much done the 4/5th as you can since some Crabs may have down time the 6th and 'miss work' or have many distractions, changes or complications. An opportunity is likely early on the 7th... Jump on it FAST!
Very good but slightly demanding domestically.
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Distracted until the 7th
Karma Numbers:
8, 12, 33, 34, 40
Buzz Words:
Don't 'hide' emotions; TRY TO PROCESS them instead!
Compatible Sign(s):
Sagittarius, Capricorn and Taurus
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your mood, which is as stable as the wind. You may find it very difficult to concentrate. Changes may be afoot on the home scene. Do your best to stay on an even course, plan to spend some time unwinding. In this situation, the best way to nurture yourself is to nurture others. You will be able to speak tenderly. Sharp words should not be exchanged. Someone, possibly an older relative, could express discontent with how they perceive you are handling your affairs, it's not polite, but you may be inclined to say, "It's none of your business". In order to smooth ruffled feathers, invite the concerned party over for a meal that shows off not only how smart you are in the kitchen, but also how clever you are about managing household affairs. Dress for success & go all out for it. You may get up the nerve to ask for a raise. If you feel that you merit it, then ask. People at the top are friendly toward you now, so it is an excellent time to go for it. Whatever you get, celebrate the news with your favorite person. Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 17, 27, 34, 47 Read more...
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