Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

March 25, 2013 - March 31, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Hard work and lots of it appears to fill the 25th to 27th and much may be domestic demands, getting your 'house in order' spending, stocking up and/or preparing for something special, particularly the evening of the 28th or any time the later hours of the 29th to mid day the 31st. Seasonal chores, a 'honey do' list and other types of 'needs and preparation' may cause you to delegate out duty to just about EVERY member. Time for them to step up to the plate and 'pay their dues' for you!

Love Horoscope

Romance does well near the 26th and 28th but may become far too complicated, emotional or even 'spiral out of control' other days, especially the 29th to 31st, and this goes for ALL Crabs; single, paired and long time or short time! Hot prospects for singles appear likely near the later hours of the 26th with a WIDE variety of signs, while the 28th may be limited to success with Scorpio, Libra, other Crabs, Aries or Leo only! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are also in the mix this week, especially from day time connections made near the 25/26th and evening ones the 28th and/or 30th. Caution with romantic connections made the 31st is wise as a lot of 'flirting' and 'showboating' are indicated that day. You don't need a peacock: you need a serious mate.

Career Highlights

RIGHT in the middle of your week on the 27th, is this big, fat full moon and in Libra, no less, prompting you to possibly be FORCED into a 'co venture' of some kind you'd rather not have to take on. Others of you may simply find you get 'dumped' with the work of another who did NOT handle it properly and you are there to pull the fat from the fire. In either case, extra work is indicated and the good news is that the 28/29th do appear to run smoothly and fix well.


Demanding, but only 'typically so'.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Prone to be emotional, especially when confronted by the mistakes or over emotionalizing of others.

Karma Numbers:

4, 9, 12, 14, 49 but NOT including 1949.

Buzz Words:

I've 'tried it all' and if you have; drop back and stall don't 'throw in the towel'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by some personal problems which may interfere with your interaction with others. You may not be very objective when it comes to your emotions or unresolved issues from your past. You might tend to want to indulge in some excessive pleasures and have adventuresome experiences. Simple words may stimulate your passion playfully in your love relationship. Practical concerns will dominate. Your mind is serious and you?ll be able to concentrate on work that requires attention to detail. Take action to achieve more closeness relationships. Lucky Numbers: 4, 10 13, 20, 33, 44 Read more...

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