Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
February 18, 2013 - February 24, 2013
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
Family and Personal Life
Your mood swings somewhat dramatically the 18th into 19th before you stabilize and adjust, especially IF you have Pisces, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius or Leo members in your family. See to the needs of the very young the 21/22nd, especially if health issues, behavior modification or 'training' is going on in your household at this time. Use the 22nd for important discussions and decision as waiting until the 23/24th, after Mercury retrogrades, may not be as successful.
Love and Romance
Romance does well this week if talking to 'get to know you' is part of your ritual, especially the 19/20th. Single Cancers find hot prospect littered everywhere this week; the AM of the 18th, the later hours of the 19th, all day the 20th, later hours of the 21st, early on the 23rd and mid day the 24th. All promise good 'last minute' long range success. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Will YOU be one of the Cancer's who have a pal call upon them near the 19th to 21st this week and need strong support, kind ears to listen or a 'rescue' hand-holding session? IF you are, it's likely to be Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Pisces or Scorpio and they will need your input badly and be 'oh, SO, grateful'.
Career Advancements
More duty, responsibility and some 'hidden opportunity' may be served up to you this week in the form of 'more than I expected I'd have to do' but push for all it's worth to get it done by/before the 21/22nd as wrapping 'quickly' up, will insure a neat finish. Some Crabs may get invitations to travel, display, showcase or tout their abilities and if you do, it may likely be scheduled for the 25th the 27/28th or some time in early March. Success is likely from it along with 'big ticket sales and/or profit'.
Financial Outlook
About to improve significantly.
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Karma Numbers:
8, 11, 14. 33, 66, including 1966 and those born in it.
Buzz Words:
Separation of 'church and state'.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to work a little harder to find a compromise that pleases everyone. Take the time necessary to research some fascinating adventures far away from home.You may need to slow down your hectic pace to enjoy the company of friends & family. You really wont have to push your ideas too hard to find mutual agreements. Lucky Numbers: 6, 16, 26, 33, 36, 46 Read more...