Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
September 7, 2009 - September 13, 2009
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
Family and Personal Life
Hustle your butt early in the week and get as much 'prep work,' errands and 'the usual' as you can manage to, accomplished ahead of time. Hitting a wall near the 10th to 13th and having to scramble for the 'unusual' is very likely. Heavy 'accommodating' energy is indicated, as if you were 'kissing butts' all day, especially for in-laws, elders, Gemini, Capricorn, Pisces or Virgos.
Love and Romance
Romance appears solid until the more shaky ground of the 10/11th sets in and a mate can become insecure over what seems 'almost nothing' in your estimation. Avoid any statements that contain even the lightest of 'critical comments or observations.' Having your words twisted is very likely. Think it through before it leaves your lips. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Having your motives misinterpreted by a pal is also likely this week, especially after the 9th and with Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, Libra, Pisces or any pal over money, facts, figures or disputes of amounts. Have 'no hidden agendas' this week or risk looking 'bad in heart beat.'
Career Advancements
You show good to excellent momentum early in the week but the old 'it could all fall apart like a house of cards,' energy flows in quickly after mid day on the 10th. Get it in writing, write it in stone and once it is set, leave it alone! Power people may be demanding, especially with any issues that involve long distance, expansion or large investments.
Financial Outlook
Fair only
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Vulnerable often
Karma Numbers:
3, 16, 26, 27, 34
Buzz Words:
What is timely and acceptable may be ideal.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to direct your mind to areas that bring you closer to advancement. Don't waste your time trying to deal with erratic individuals. Don't take on too many projects. Focus on getting ahead your own way. Greater self-esteem will result from your accomplishments. Lending will get you into trouble, losses are evident if you are careless with your cash. Changes to your living quarters or residential moves will be to your advantage. Visitors may drop by, resulting in friction between you and your mate. Try hard to keep your calm, or the silent treatment will be sure to follow. Uncertainties at home will be upsetting. Bide your time and let things unfold as they may. By week's end, you'll be able to enjoy getting together with friends and relatives. Refrain from overindulgence. Read more...