Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
January 12, 2009 - January 18, 2009
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Heavy duty is likely and 'biting off more than you can chew' comes along with it. Some of you may be taking on sizable projects of both domestic and personal goals. Finding balance and a 'reasonable pace' will keep members from feeling scattered or neglected, especially youth and spouse, Libra, Capricorn, other Cancers and Virgo. A 'big discussion' near the 15th to 17th may be on the care, provisions or health issues of members.
Love Horoscope
Romance does well, especially near the promising trends of the 13th and 15th but as we near the 17/18th, you may see a swing towards less cooperative trends and even poorer communications, especially from Libra, Capricorn, other Cancers Sagittarius and Virgo. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Friends are most helpful near the 12th to 14th when you need it and most demanding near the 17/18th when you are least equipped to contribute and focus. A really good friend will understand if you must 'beg off,' especially where travel is involved. Local weather conditions may make it impossible to attend functions.
Career Highlights
Here too, we see weather as well as 'circumstances' playing a part in your inability to attend/attend to certain meetings, tasks or goals this week. Plan ahead and make a plan B for situations that may apply to 'in absentia.' Power people are most helpful the 15th and most uncooperative the 13th.
Fair at best but promising for the near future
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Too focused on minutia at times
Karma Numbers:
1, 5, 11, 15, 22
Buzz Words:
Any progress is good progress
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to direct your mind to areas that bring you closer to advancement. Don't waste your time trying to deal with erratic individuals. Don't take on too many projects. Focus on getting ahead your own way. Greater self-esteem will result from your accomplishments. Lending will get you into trouble, losses are evident if you are careless with your cash. Changes to your living quarters or residential moves will be to your advantage. Visitors may drop by, resulting in friction between you and your mate. Try hard to keep your calm, or the silent treatment will be sure to follow. Uncertainties at home will be upsetting. Bide your time and let things unfold as they may. By week's end, you'll be able to enjoy getting together with friends and relatives. Refrain from overindulgence. Read more...
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