Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

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Cancer Horoscopes

April 3, 2006 - April 9, 2006

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Family and Personal Life

While a busy and productive week in family is indicted with few problems, those that do arise are likely to be more of an 'emotional,' nature and stem from the insecurities and needs of the 'psyche,' of members. YOU can be the mortar that holds it all together. Slather it on near the 4th to 6th and give special attention to the needs of both children and partner, especially if they are Leo, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn.

Love and Romance

Rewarding energies are strongly indicated along with a gross 'deepening' likely for many Crabs, especially those paired to Scorpio, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Leo, Taurus and Capricorn. Single Cancer's could get proposals, invitations and 'announcements' and those in existing relationships may find 'enhanced' quality flowing in. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

Friends appear to have needs near the 3rd to 6th and make announcements of births, wedding, invitations and celebrations near the 7th to 9th with 'last minute invitations,' likely. An enjoyable time is indicated so 'saying yes,' may be a good idea.

Career Advancements

Dot the I and cross the T this week, especially the 4th and 6th. Show blatant 'respect,' for power people and make sure to always 'go through proper channels' as circumventing near the 6/7th can cause problems later 'big time,' and send out ALL the wrong messages/images. Being given a 'huge assignment,' may be typical and far-reaching with success factors high.

Financial Outlook

Very good.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Easily inspired

Karma Numbers:

4, 16 19, 32, 34

Buzz Words:

Think, communicated, get BACK in touch.

Compatible Sign(s):

Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Libra

General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to direct your mind to areas that bring you closer to advancement. Don't waste your time trying to deal with erratic individuals. Don't take on too many projects. Focus on getting ahead your own way. Greater self-esteem will result from your accomplishments. Lending will get you into trouble, losses are evident if you are careless with your cash. Changes to your living quarters or residential moves will be to your advantage. Visitors may drop by, resulting in friction between you and your mate. Try hard to keep your calm, or the silent treatment will be sure to follow. Uncertainties at home will be upsetting. Bide your time and let things unfold as they may. By week's end, you'll be able to enjoy getting together with friends and relatives. Refrain from overindulgence. Read more...

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