Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

June 24, 2024 - June 30, 2024


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Dear Aquarius, this week, focus on completing tasks early, leveraging your influence, and maintaining a positive attitude. Be vigilant for mistakes and seek support from trusted friends when needed. In love, communicate openly but wisely, and be patient with emotional complexities. At work, avoid errors and respect authority to ensure success. Financially, expect ups and downs, and maintain balance in your state of mind. Take each day as it comes to navigate the week's challenges effectively.

Monday, the 24th, you are sharp and ready to tackle any problem that arises. Focus on completing tasks early in the day as your good judgment wanes by mid-afternoon.

Tuesday, the 25th, is a great day for accomplishments, with successful negotiations and positive news from afar.

Wednesday, the 26th, you will be able to influence others effectively, maintaining a cheerful and harmonious attitude, which leads to a very contented evening.

Thursday, the 27th, be vigilant for mistakes around you, double-checking everything before passing it along. Your attitude remains friendly and light-hearted, and you will find success working alone while focusing on future needs. Your ESP is particularly strong today.

Friday, the 28th, might start slowly or erratically, but by the afternoon, you will be in a good space with new opportunities coming your way, especially from Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, and Capricorn.

Saturday, the 29th, is perfect for "me time" to tackle your personal tasks and get them off your plate.

Sunday, the 30th, is ideal for networking with family and friends, making up for lost time.

Love Horoscope

This week, Aquarius, joy and emotions run high, especially with family celebrations. Announcements of babies, weddings, engagements, and other milestones are likely near Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. However, some Aquarians may face termination energy on Friday. Only those who genuinely want a relationship to end will allow it to conclude. Communication and clear intentions are crucial to navigate the week's romantic energies successfully. For singles, the most promising window for romantic connections falls on Thursday into Friday. Matches formed outside of this window may not last long. For those in relationships, the focus will be on crucial discussions and decisions. It's important to come to an agreement, especially if paired with Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, or Pisces. Mismanaging these conversations could lead to ongoing conflicts through the end of the month. Clear communication and mutual understanding are key to maintaining harmony in your relationships this week. Take the time to listen to your partner's perspective and express your own feelings honestly. Romantic gestures and thoughtful conversations can help to strengthen your bond and resolve any lingering issues. Be patient and empathetic, and avoid letting minor disagreements escalate into larger conflicts. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

If you find yourself overwhelmed, don't hesitate to ask for help. The best days to seek support from friends are Monday through Wednesday. Thursday is particularly good for career-related requests, but can also be used for reaching out to influential friends without breaching friendship protocols. Hand-holding and reciprocal favor energy is likely on Friday and Saturday, possibly involving long-term projects or significant requests. Make sure to set boundaries for your involvement to avoid overcommitting. This week, being there for your friends and offering genuine support will deepen your bonds and reinforce your position as a reliable and caring friend. Cherish these moments and let your friends know how much you appreciate their support and presence in your life. Organize activities or gatherings to reconnect and spend quality time together. Your efforts to nurture these relationships will be well-rewarded, creating a supportive and loving network of friends. Pay special attention to friendships that have been strained or neglected recently. Taking the time to reconnect and show appreciation can make a significant difference.

Career Highlights

This is a highly pivotal week for a hefty cross-section of Aquarius -- know it or not! Mistakes may be made if "bottom line, fine print, between the lines" details are not combed through Monday/Tuesday, particularly in situations where you are either accountable and at the end of the line, or "must put your hand to it" and "pass it on" situations. No room for flaws this week. From Tuesday to Thursday, you might find yourself paired with others or feeling overwhelmed. By Friday, things should be under control. Avoid taking on new projects related to next week's Wednesday and Thursday unless you have everything well managed by this week's end. Thursday is excellent for pushing for favors, advancements, or permissions, especially from intimidating power figures like Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, and Virgo. On Friday and Saturday, be seen as completely honest and transparent, both at home and at work, to maintain your professional integrity and foster trust. Be proactive and take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. Stay focused, and avoid any unnecessary distractions or conflicts.


Financially, the week may be choppy at times but is expected to end well. Focus on maintaining stability and managing expenses wisely.

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

You will feel emotional and easily thrown off balance. Strive to maintain equilibrium.

Karma Numbers:

8, 9. 12, 28, 89, including 1989 and any companies formed during it

Buzz Words:

"Take it one day at a time." -- Focus on managing each day individually without overwhelming yourself with the broader picture or future worries.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

Dear Aquarius, this week is about intellectual and social expansion. The alignment of the Moon in your sign with Jupiter in Gemini stimulates your mind and enhances your communicative abilities. Engage in discussions and activities that challenge your thinking and broaden your horizons. Your innovative ideas may attract attention, making this a great time to collaborate on projects that require a visionary approach. Embrace opportunities to network and share your thoughts; the connections you make now could lead to significant future collaborations or new insights that propel your plans forward. Read more...

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