Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
August 27, 2012 - September 2, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
An 'agreement' on an issue near the 28/29th may put you in a far more 'progressive and accomplished' direction, especially with/for the family 'as a whole'. Youth of educating age may require more spending, especially for health, hobbies and vehicles, particularly under the full moon the 31st. Think 'just how much' you'll need to set aside, sacrifice and/or how you'll 'go about managing' juggling or 'structuring' any 'NEED'. Musical instruments, books/supplies, travel/vehicles, sports equipment, dues/fees and other related expense may be more 'manageable' than expected IF you are given 'time'. Totters with no youth in the house may find repairs, medical, fitness, drug, expansion, décor and entertaining expense is what is biting the budget until the 3rd of SEPT!
Love Horoscope
Romance shows very promising potential for both paired AND single Totters with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus appearing most promising this week. The Taurus connection may fizzle fast but be 'well worth it while it lasts'. Right now you are vulnerable to almost ALL sexual attractions, as they are so strong and get stronger as we near the full moon the 31st. Push past some 'normal obstacles' but be willing to recognize when something or someone 'is NOT right for you'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
New friends are always such a welcomed commodity for you and this week any Pisces, Aries, Leo, other Aquarius or Cancer 'new pals' may serve to be entertaining AND very helpful. They appear to be useful and to 'serve' you through networking in both career and personal life. Single Totters may also find promising romantic/personal connections that appear to lead to 'enhanced love' in the form of other new friends or outright 'romantic connections'. Love is ALWAYS a welcomed commodity for you in 'any form'. Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini appear likely candidates on this one.
Career Highlights
Get as much done the 27th as you CAN since your stars show a small 'land slide' flowing in the 28/29th and again the 30th as you may have to 'scramble to fix things for another' especially a power person, foolish coworker or failed venture that collapses under or as 'we approach' the full moon the 31st. Your stars show unreasonable demands on your time, talent and problem solving near the 28/29th; a sure bet you're headed for long hours and some unfair treatment the 30/31st. Ungrateful coworkers or power people may leave little room for you to maneuver or solve. Then the 1/2nd you may find you have to 'take work home with you' in some way. Try to 'fly solo' whenever you can as too many cooks are probably what spoiled your broth to BEGIN with! Great effort and/or money, on your part, may be required to solve, serve and fix. The good news is that by the end of the week, they realize what a PRIZE they have in you!
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
A MUCH better perspective after the 31st is over.
Karma Numbers:
2, 11, 22, 50, 54
Buzz Words:
Chin up!
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by growth, changing, falling in love - and hopefully into a rhythm that suits you, because you'll be stuck there all week. This week is about relationships, whether you're starting or ending one. Resolve this thing asap, or long term plans must change. Fortunately, the stars bring and fresh energy to beleaguered Pisces. Gamblers and opportunists gleefully forget what has gone before. Cash out and leave the building by week's end, when Lady Luck pulls another mood change. If you're reasonable, the last days of the week are free from failed experiments. The weekend could be the high, sweet note that ends this turbulent movement of your symphony. Be ready to sit when the music stops, just in case it's really been a championship round of musical chairs. Read more...
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