Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
March 12, 2012 - March 18, 2012
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
Family and Personal Life
Cooperation may be poor until the 14th, when 'need' takes over and a small mistake or misunderstanding could place you 'in the driver's seat'. Delegate out duty and do not abuse 'authority' levels you may be given. Your ESP is 'right on' near the 15th to 17th and you can save some serious butt. Respect your gut about spending issues AND any type or 'risky or chance taking' situations, particularly those involving youth and/or members a distance away or traveling.
Love and Romance
Romance does super well this week with single Totters hitting hot promise near the 12th, if you want short term and sexual, the 13th, if you don't mind mistakes you'll have to live down, the 14/15th if you want 'long term commitment' and the 16/17th if what you're hoping for is quality companionship and an 'adventure'. A 'sudden opportunity' the 18th may 'spin your world'. Take your time. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
A new friend is likely this week and those made tend to be life long and richly rewarding, especially IF the connection comes near the 15th and/or 18th or possibly involves Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius or Gemini. Meeting pals through 'friend of a friend' may be a reliable source but 'choosing your own path' may also yield surprising rewards.
Career Advancements
Mr. Big may say 'yes' on the 12th and then change it to 'no' by/before the 14/15th; don't let that throw you as there is likely to be yet another 'reversal' near as soon as the 16th or 20/21st or as far out as the week of the 26th or mid July. Don't make any statements before groups the 15th and avoid appearing pushy or demanding. Trust your gut the 15/16th as your ESP is stellar and 'right on!'
Financial Outlook
About to expand and/or improve
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Creative and insightful but slightly intolerant at times.
Karma Numbers:
6, 11, 15, 61, 66, including 19's 61 and 66.
Buzz Words:
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork & your ability to get everyone involved in your project. The resistance you feel from others will grow stronger if you apply unnecessary pressure. Keep discussions on track, allow others to express their views. Listen to them very carefully. Try to create an atmosphere of trust. Someone else may get all the glory, but you'll learn an invaluable lesson, that will take you on to even greater triumph. You'll find ordinarily annoying people are surprisingly easy to get along with. Harmonic vibrations will mount to passionate trembles. By week's end, you might find yourself in the arms of the most unlikely person imaginable. Read more...