Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
October 2, 2006 - October 8, 2006
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
You appear busy and productive the 2nd, easily distracted the 3rd, insightful but may encounter poor cooperation, especially from children, Cancer, Pisces, Aries, Libra, other Jug Totters and any 'ex's' the 4th and spending money 'like water' to fulfill family need the 5/6th almost 'blindly.' The good news is that the 7/8th appears very enjoyable with gatherings, invitations and good news. About time too!
Love Horoscope
Romance is the best place to find solace, good news and hide out from more demanding energies like family and career; unless your mate is on the hit list for being on a family need 'tirade,' like Aries, Leo, Libra, Pisces or other Jug Totters. They may not 'back off,' until they get what they want from you near the 6th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Got a 'big problem,' and don't know the direction you want to go? Or maybe even lack the insight to the dynamics of the 'root of the problem?' Run to well balanced signs like Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius buddies with a history of being able to 'see where the bear sits in the buckwheat.' [see the obvious you do not and report it with frank honesty]
Career Highlights
Most of the week appears to 'carry itself,' and the most YOU have to do or worry about, is to simply pay attention and focus the 3rd, avid appearing rebellious and uncooperative the 4th and finish all projects the 6th if you wish to leave early and you'll have a good and productive week. Also, avoid any conflict or power plays going on 'around you' near the 6th as the full moon can cause others to 'act oddly.'
Slightly draining and 'gullible.'
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Rebellious and given to wanting too much and trying too hard at times.
Karma Numbers:
2, 5, 11, 19, 25
Buzz Words:
Let go, Let God.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get control of your moods. Participate in sports events that will test your endurance. You should try to spend time with those who can help lift your spirits. You need some intellectual interaction. Your partner will be in need of special attention, as well. Communication will help your relationship, greatly. Concentrate on projects that involve your living quarters or innovative investments. Travel will be conducive to meeting new love interests. Listen to others and you will be sure to obtain valuable information. Don't let employers interfere with your plans. They may try to take credit for your efforts. Don't make statements unless you have all the pertinent information on hand. You may be questioned and made to look foolish if you haven't done your research. Read more...
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