Daily Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

Horoscope for May 9, 2024

All difficulties, hurdles will disappear thanks to unexpected help. Life will suddenly become easier, simpler. Business will get into shape and follow their normal course, the problems will be minimized. You will be more human, more generous and will lose your severity, your hardness.

Good position if you are in an examination period, or in a competition. Is good for the memory and professional relationships.

Good physical resistance, you will be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. You will be realistic, but perhaps a little too hard. Work will take up all your time, and will count above everything else. You will not tolerate any contradiction, criticism or debate. You will more-or-less abandon your family and your emotional life will be practically non-existent. Certainly, such behavior will not please your circle, and even less your enemies. You will be neither tender nor sentimental.

You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. Nothing new in your life, but however a cloud of happiness surrounds you.

Excellent time for love. If you haven't already met her, expect to meet your lover during this period.

You will not be able to stand any constraint.

You will fall in love, that violent and passionate irrational love. You will find it difficult to control yourself. You will be possessive, jealous, completely immersed to your very depths by this passion. As there is little chance that the other will love to a matching extent, there may be scenes, sometimes violent, and disappointments. Your work may suffer from this situation, because only your emotional life will count.

You will be very tired and unable to react to events. The least mental effort will be painful, you will have pessimistic thoughts, slow reflexes - in short, it's the time to go to the Bahamas, the more so as you hate the cold, the 'flu etc. . . Of course, on the professional level, nothing will go right in these conditions, and it is not the time to ask your boss for a favor. Nothing will work. If the Bahamas are too far away, stay lying down with a pile of good books, walk in the country for at least an hour a day and breathe deeply. Don't commit yourself to anything.

It will be a period when you will be very nervy. You will boil over and the slightest thing will make you explode. You could be particularly violent, and so suddenly that you won't be able to control yourself. Be careful about problems and accidents that might result from such an attitude.

A time when you will tend to be a little too credulous, trusting and naive. You will see things too subjectively, and lack realism. You may well be deceived on the professional level and have a lot of problems.

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