Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

December 24, 2012 - December 30, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You appear to put a great deal of work, planning and 'heart and soul' into the 24th to 26th with excellent results, especially if you are 'hosting' traveling or seeing loved ones for the 'first time in a long time'. Lots of talking and enjoyable exchanges are indicated but a strong discipline upon your schedule the 26th may determine the successful outcome of the whole three days. Stick to your 'normal routine' the 27th to reestablish balance and rhythm. An emotional outburst among/between members is possible for some of you to deal with the later hours of the 29th; stay balanced and neutral. The 30th appears to be along and demanding day, requiring strong focus and control 'over and over again' throughout the day.

Love Horoscope

Romance is not a steady course this week but how you navigate and negotiate may make all the difference, especially in exchanges the 28th and 30th. It CAN be a good week for singles, especially the 24th, if you control emotions, the 25/26th if you control timing and schedule/s and the 29th if you expose yourself to social activities. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You may have a pal extend an unusual or different type of invitation than you would normally accept this week; be willing to step outside your comfort zone and 'take a chance'. Sometimes, you just have to roll the dice!

Career Highlights

IF you work the 24th; maintain a professional agenda all day long, projecting solid, reliable and unscathed actions. Big money may be about to be tossed around and you'll want your reaction to it be 'like you hear/handle this kind of thing all the time'. Many of you may be 'back in the thick of it' quickly the 26th and processing 'the usual' the 27th. Anything that remains unclear or uncertain the 28th, may likely need to be 'double checked'.


Demanding but good

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

In need of strong 'balance' especially between thought and emotion.

Karma Numbers:

4, 10, 14, 23, 42

Buzz Words:

Willing investments

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by someone or something puzzling you. It's not easy to put anything over on you, but someone may try to do just that. It may come in the form of a secret about someone close to you. You could be a little bit gullible now, don't necessarily believe what you hear. After all, who knows them better than you do? You may decide to have less to do with the person who tried put something over on you. You'll be able to grin and bear it, whatever it turns out to be. At times, you may feel like it's all work and no rewards. The glitch that occurs may have to do with future plans for travel or just plain having fun. As for that hard work, regard it as money in the bank, because there may be a raise in your future. Try to negotiate the best deal you can. Read more...

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