Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

October 10, 2022 - October 16, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 10th, it's essential that you check through everything first before passing it on to the next person in your professional life. It's also important to notice that you be just as discriminating in your personal and romantic life and scrutinize issues and requests before giving them the nod.

Tuesday the 11th, a great deal may be expected or asked of you and the day may hold several enjoyable tasks and important decisions that you will clip through quickly and quite accomplished and successfully.

Wednesday the 12th, will bring challenges to your personal life and may show some relationship issues between not only you and your significant other, but between you and others as well. It begins today and for some of you, there may be small issues between you and personalities like Aquarius, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Pisces and Aries. The day itself may have small challenges and obstacle courses peppered throughout the day.

Thursday the 13th, a beautiful find, lost item returned, purchase or personal beautification item of some kind may find its way into your life. Also, a personality may return into your life with this aspect as well. The day itself appears accomplished, although much may be expected of you. Your stars indicate an emotional evening that must be handled with kid leather gloves.

Friday the 14th is vastly improved with excellent accomplishment and indications of constructive changes that bring originality and accomplishments into your life.

Saturday the 15th, you tend to be extravagant, although you do enjoy time with friends, the tendency is to be a little bit emotional and go slightly overboard.

Sunday the 16th appears highly enjoyable with gainful work, cheerful cooperation and good advice.

Love Horoscope

Some Stingers may be thinking about totally redoing a relationship status. If you are one of them, give yourself lots of thinking time. Keep in mind, you have a sort of natural trend to be short-fused and less patient from Wednesday to Friday and then after that, keep in mind that A.) You have an attitude that is negative and sour from Monday to Thursday, B.) You are more forgiving and right with it by Saturday. C.) You are going to have it all processed properly by Tuesday to Thursday next week, so D.) Don't say bupkis until after the end of next week, or else... Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Your friends are there for you when you need love, support, an extra pair of hands, or maybe an ear to listen or shoulder to lean on. This week, do not let them bend your brain in the wrong direction. Do it yourself or go get professional help, but keep pals for shared hobbies and fun, and zip it on love issues.

Career Highlights

Travel may be necessary from Monday to Wednesday. Being gone may put you in a vulnerable space for any number of reasons, if you are also juggling personal issues at the same time in your life. Keep your personal and your career life separate this week -- zip the lip...! Also, remember you are prone to express sarcastic remarks on Wednesday -- give or take a day on either side of that, too -- and of all things, your target is power people Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini and bosses, the law or authority figures of any sign. Talk about zip the lip! Can we say "Unemployment Line?"


Can be very good

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Vindictive at times, especially when pushed or witnessing injustice

Karma Numbers:

4, 18, 29, 30, 33

Buzz Words:

Control of self and environment

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to control your own destiny. Indecision, even when self-imposed, is never an easy place to be. Don't waste time dancing around the edge when you could be diving into the thick of things. You may be in need of a dose of positive energy to raise your self-image. You need to realize the high regard in which others hold you. See your own accomplishments for what they are really worth. You have the ability to make others see what you want them to. Language is a tool you'll be able to use with great skill and power. You may be able to manipulate the right people to make your dreams come true. Read more...

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