Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
January 7, 2013 - January 13, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Emotions pile up, back log, backfire and explode near the 7th to 9th and may not start to stabilize or 'quell' until constructive discussions the 10th, especially the 11th and some 'wrap up' the 13th. Spending skyrockets near the 8/9th on vehicles, repairs, long distance needs and any form of travel, business, pleasure or even local errands. Invitations are likely for the family 'as a whole' the 12th.
Love Horoscope
This is a devastatingly POOR week in love/romance for the Fish with some reaching 'termination' near the 8th to mid day the 11th, especially if/where paired to signs like Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus or Libra, UNLESS serious discussions are given the time and attention they deserve. This is NOT a good week for singles as over sensitivity rules the 7th to 10th and retarded growth on new status is likely the 10th to 13th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
You may have to be there for a pal to celebrate a 'huge accomplishment' as the 'dream/wish of a lifetime' starts to manifest for them near the 9th to 11th, especially if they are Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius or fellow Fish. Even YOU may be the one calling for the 'rally' of rejoicing, especially if birth, wedding and promotion news hits in.
Career Highlights
Grave mistakes near both the AM of the 8th and the PM of the 10th are indicated and MAY be 'linked' for a small cross section of you, especially IF Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn or Sagittarius are involved. Avoid anyone who brings 'too much personal life or info' into the job scene the 7th to 9th.
Fair only and challenging most of the time.
Overview for Pisces
State of Mind:
Vulnerable until the 10th and then 'hopeful' and 'rejoicing'.
Karma Numbers:
8, 10, 11, 15, 55
Buzz Words:
Tread VERY lightly until the 11th is over.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to keep on track. Others may be concerned with adding to your purpose, but you need to focus on your immediate objectives. You're playing for keeps, so you'll have little patience for detours or changes in plans. Somebody may try to slip something past you, be aware but don't let on. Family and old friends are the best company for you right now. You'll learn an important lesson. Sharing will be necessary. The message will become clear and positive. Many will vie for your attention and some will insist on becoming a part of your entourage. Your popularity will soar. Read more...
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