Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

January 6, 2014 - January 12, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Many things appear to 'change for you' and one of them may be 'the way the family does business' or its 'hierarchy' and who calls the shots, especially IF Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus or Aquarius traditionally did in YOUR family 'structure'. You appear to likely now 'have more of a voice'. Setbacks, problems and financial needs or mistakes may seem to FILL the 7th to 9th bit they lift and are 'fixed' by/before the 9th ends. Enjoyable gatherings the 11th may allow you to 'expand your influence' within the family a great deal.

Love Horoscope

Romantic love does very well as extreme growth, excellent expansion and 'sudden new relationship status OR improvements' are indicated for the ENTIRE week! Big 'pivotal days' appear to be mid day the 7th, late on the 10th and all days long the 11th and 12th until 'sunset' the 12th, when SOME of you may 'rethink' a current status, especially IF Gemini, Taurus, other Scale, Capricorn or Cancer is involved. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Meeting and making new friends is very likely this week, as is running into 'old established ones' you've either NOT seen for 'quite some time' or who have 'sought you out' tracked you down deliberately and may have some kind of 'plan or offer'. In MOST cases, it will be constructive and/or profitable but DO take care near the later hours of the 7th and 8th IF 'money is asked for'.

Career Highlights

Your stars show several 'days' and various 'different' scenarios where you may be able to either 'make your mark for the FIRST time and big time' within your industry or 'make the big mark you have been planning, working and sacrificing for' for some time now. In either case, most of you will have 'all you need assembled' for yourselves by/before the end of business day the 9th. OFF SITE schmoozing or working on the 11th may pay off 'the very best/most of all!'


Extremely promising, especially IF later March into later April is involved at ALL.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

VERY excited and easily distracted; focus often.

Karma Numbers:

3, 4, 5, especially in combo or doubled, 11, 12 and if paired or mixed with 3, 4, 5.

Buzz Words:

Pay attention and stay 'in body' at all times

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to sit back, observe and proceed to follow your own best interests. Secret affairs will only cause complications in your life. Try not to become too involved in other people's private doings. Don't confide in your peers. Your reluctance to do what they want will lead to discord and a possible loss of friendship. Don't be too quick to follow the crowd. You can make sound financial investments if you act fast. You can make financial gains if you are realistic about your assets. Real estate investments can be bought or sold. Transfer money to the investment offering the best returns. Take part in an event that you feel is for a good cause. Your ability to help others won't go unnoticed. You can move into an interesting relationship if you are receptive to someone's advances. Lucky Numbers: 17, 25, 27, 32, 33, 48 Read more...

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