Weekly Horoscope for Libra
December 17, 2012 - December 23, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Your overall attitude is cheerful and above all 'hopeful' as you want two things this week; peace and a beautiful surrounding domestically! IF you don't get both locked down by the 19th, you're prone to 'sit them down and give it to them straight' the 20/21st. You are most adept and stealth at making plans the 22nd and will garner the best results, returns and cooperation IF you use that day and then 'stick to it'. Members who do not 'fall into line' may encounter your displeasure big time the 23rd.
Love Horoscope
Most of the week is filled with good quality love energy; for friends and coworkers the 17/18th, for family the 19/20th and for love/romantic ties the 21st to 23rd. High levels of cooperation are indicated with them all. Upgrades appear successful and singles may find interesting prospects but any who 'fail you' will full under your 'private scrutiny' the later hours of the 23rd. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
You may do some 'serious mulling over' this week later on the 23rd and as you 'assess and reassess' the behavior, support or lack of support, provided by the 'friend' in all relationships [love OR not] you may formulate a 'change strategy' like it or not or 'aware of it or not!'
Career Highlights
Some of you may 'drop the ball' near the 17/18th but appear to 'cover your butt' well and fix it on the spot or even BEFORE it becomes an issue! Power days appear to be the 19th and 21st. You may be more in control of events and outcomes the 19th and more of a 'recipient' the 21st. Big changes going on 'overhead' and filtering down appear likely and you may not hear or get the 'whole story' until as far out as the 26/27th or even later Jan '13.
Uncooperative until the 21st.
Overview for Libra
State of Mind:
Cheerful and supportive
Karma Numbers:
0, 11, 21, 22, 101
Buzz Words:
Emotions easily 'tip the Scales'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for patience & understanding. Use these valuable virtues to get you through others' moods. Those around you may start the week with enthusiasm, then lose their way in the process. You can get others to do things for you if you use your charm. Dealing with "wishy-washy" people may test your patience. Try to keep your workload to a normal level, no more long hours. You need your rest, even if you see yourself as too tough to quit. Soothing music or easy reading can make you more comfortable. enough to capture their attention. Use your imagination to get others to follow your lead. This can break down a barrier and can even lead to a new friendship. Children may not be as eager to listen unless you make your conversation interesting. Read more...
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