Weekly Horoscope for Libra
August 7, 2006 - August 13, 2006
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
SOME of you may feel like you are 'losing a dear connection' near the 7/8th and it just may be unavoidable OR, you have put in tons of effort and can only DO just so much. Fringe relatives, in-laws, dysfunctional personalities, pets, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer appear to be candidates. Get familiar with 'acceptance energy.' Conditions improve dramatically and fast the 11th. A very enjoyable weekend is indicated with stellar outcomes the 12th.
Love Horoscope
Romance heats up to an almost 'unbelievable pace' for some Scales who may experience either the 'ten feet off the ground' feeling or that 'head is just spinning' energy, possibly brought on by focused attention from Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus or other Scales. In any case, the percentages are just 'sky high' for love to heat up this week no matter WHO you are or are NOT involved with. Surprise, surprise! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
New friends can quickly becomes new loves OR, friends introduce you to new loves OR, you meet at gatherings with/for friends OR, friends actually 'arrange' love matches. Keep close ties close this week!
Career Highlights
Small challenges the 7/8th may prove to be a chance for you to 'show your stuff' and how you handle controversy/challenge while garnering the eye of the 'big guy' and/or getting bigger bones thrown your way later because of it. You appear to put a 'ton of effort' into the 9/10th with big pay offs later. Stay 'at it' the 11th for a 'wrap up.'
Overview for Libra
State of Mind:
Slightly challenged but 'rising above' easily.
Karma Numbers:
10, 15, 18, 23, 40
Buzz Words:
Test your limits
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for a change. Change is necessary in order to rid yourself of that old familiar stale feeling. Don't be afraid to let go of the past. New relationships may prove to be lasting bonds. Financial investments pertinent to your home will be lucrative. Be careful when signing contracts or formulating agreements. Be cautious how you handle both your business and your emotional partnerships. Be cautious while traveling. Focus on completing those domestic jobs that you've been putting on the back burner. Work out a budget that will help stabilize your financial situation. You can help children with their problems. Someone you care about may not be completely honest with you. This might cause you to argue with anyone and everyone. Control your temper if you wish to avoid hurt feelings. Read more...
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