Weekly Horoscope for Libra
February 21, 2005 - February 27, 2005
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Libra
Family and Personal Life
Having to take the lead, be the parent, even if you are not and support members you normally do not, in WAYS you normally do not, would all be typical this week for the Scales, especially the 21st and 25/26th. Emotions run high and you may have to swallow yours while you help another with theirs. Rewards for your efforts appear likely and come as soon as right away to 3/20 to 3/30.
Love and Romance
Romance needs 'good sound judgment' this week and that may be hard to do near the 25th to 27th when you are swayed so drastically by emotions that a 'clear view' is almost impossible. When in doubt, stall your head off, especially with Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius mates. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
New friends are indicated this week as well as current friends with 'big problems' who run to you to help sort and solve. Don't be surprised if 'fairly new' friends share issues with you that are rather personal. This could be a chance to deepen the relationship fast.
Career Advancements
Take the initiative near the 21st and 'make a mark' for yourself that securely puts you 'in the boss's/client's' mind and keeps you there until the 23rd is over. Avoid distractions the 25th and examine your 'place' within a situation before embarking. Travel needs the 26/27th could be work related and keeping records and receipts may be necessary.
Financial Outlook
Tied strongly to emotions
Overview for Libra
State of Mind:
Cheerful and eager
Karma Numbers:
11, 14, 22, 33, 50
Buzz Words:
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for a change. Change is necessary in order to rid yourself of that old familiar stale feeling. Don't be afraid to let go of the past. New relationships may prove to be lasting bonds. Financial investments pertinent to your home will be lucrative. Be careful when signing contracts or formulating agreements. Be cautious how you handle both your business and your emotional partnerships. Be cautious while traveling. Focus on completing those domestic jobs that you've been putting on the back burner. Work out a budget that will help stabilize your financial situation. You can help children with their problems. Someone you care about may not be completely honest with you. This might cause you to argue with anyone and everyone. Control your temper if you wish to avoid hurt feelings. Read more...