Weekly Horoscope for Leo
January 10, 2022 - January 16, 2022
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 10th is an excellent day with wonderful balance and harmony and it's a format for whatever kind of accomplishments you would like to take off your plate. They fall like feathers to the ground with ease and grace as you plow through and empty your plate completely. By day's end the vast majority of you should feel pretty good about yourself.
Tuesday the 11th, emotional demands go on the rise and there are several distractions as you run errands, rescue, hold hands and sacrifice your time for the others around you.
Wednesday the 12th is an excellent day for accomplishments as there is good news, excellent cooperation with others and relaxation enjoyment with your family.
Thursday the 13th indications are for another excellent day with lots of joy and good, relationships with family members, especially Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.
Friday the 14th, long-distance communications are likely and word from afar can be excellent or even stunning as announcements of expansion, engagements, babies, weddings and other such things appear likely.
Saturday the 15th, another enjoyable day is indicated with strong sentiment and a chance for you to enjoy vignette exchanges with several different family members especially Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.
Sunday the 16th, there seems to be a lot going on and most of it appears to be hefty relaxation time and many family members may be encouraging you to put down your work and take up your dancing or traveling shoes.
Love Horoscope
This can be a very exciting and interesting week: hot connections are indicated from Wednesday right into Friday. A "tall, dark, wealthy" stranger might walk into your life. Indications are for "rare finds" -- so rich and handsome/beautiful are on the table, especially on Thursday and again on Friday in two separate opportunities for either establishment or upgrades! That guy/gal you've been seeing may not have wanted you to know they come from money until now. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Having an old pal come back into your life is not unusual for you this week as there are several aspects for many signs for this exact activity. However in your case, you may have forgotten the reason you lost touch with this person in the first place and sadly, reconnecting may not be a good idea. If there is any reason you can remember why you separated from this pal that is negative, it may be best to wish them good luck, chat for a few moments and move on quickly.
Career Highlights
This week is not prone to throw as big of a monkey wrench into things as it could... your best days appear to be Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday; wrap up any leftovers by or before midday on Friday or run the risk of exponential hassles doubling then quadrupling and etc.
A source of worry but about as good as it is going to get for now.
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Peaceful but holding some things in reserve
Karma Numbers:
For profit; 2's, 6's and 9's, especially if blended
Buzz Words:
Push past minor illness, pain or inconvenience.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to admit that you have short comings. Deceit and deception will be the main issue you have with others. Expect disruptions at home. Try not to take things to heart. You may not be judging the situation properly. A positive mental outlook will result if you are honest with yourself. Competitive sports activity will help to ease stress you feel. You'll need good discipline to accomplish your personal goals. Your ability to get your point across may sting, but in the end, it'll be appreciated. You need to make the changes necessary for your happiness. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You'll be surprised at how willing others are to help you out. It won't be easy to please family, friends or in-laws. It is better to please yourself than bang your head against a wall. Don't hold back, say what you think. You need to relax and get in touch with your own feelings. Acceptance is the key. Read more...
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