Weekly Horoscope for Leo
April 22, 2013 - April 28, 2013
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Leo
Family and Personal Life
Your stars show a very significant 'change' and maybe an 'omen or two' near the 23rd to 25th and if this one hits in family, it is going to 'cost you' plain cold, hard cash, especially if dentist, pet/vet, doctors, specialists, vehicles, elders, Aries, Libra, Leo or Aquarius members are involved. Cooperation improves quickly the 24th when a 'mistake is corrected' and things are 'fixed' possibly with a bit of 'spending or mending' and some 'errands' that may be unavoidable and necessary to 'calm' domestic life. Enjoyable gatherings and/or a 'lot of talking' is indicated for the 27/28th.
Love and Romance
Romance seems to do best this week for the single Lion, especially evenings the 23rd to 27th and all day the 28th. Hearing from 'old love relationships' is also likely, especially if they are Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius or Libra. Paired Lions need to avoid any kind of 'money discussions' especially IF they start to escalate the evening of the 25/26th and some of the day time hours of it too! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Friends extend invitations, especially near the 22nd, which appears more 'local' and again the 27/28th when travel may be required. It will definitely be helpful if you 'check with family, lover and career' FIRST before 'knee jerk' agreeing, even IF it is the 'short term' one the 22nd. Offending another through 'knee jerk' friend distractions is a threat this week. Long discussions are very likely the 27/28th and appear highly 'spiritual' and 'philosophical' in nature.
Career Advancements
Move 'fast' for things like set up and solution the 22/23rd as the 'small details and bottom line' are VERY essential and forgetting or overlooking them will 'cost' and BIG time. You will wish to 'avoid problems' or conserve money, as extra spending is indicated, especially on travel, particularly IF it is elective or required the 27/28th and may be 'long distance dealings' that are only 'verbal' via computer or phone. A great deal of 'investment cash' may be available near the full moon on the 25th but FINDING it seems to be the real challenge; dig and you will!
Financial Outlook
Very promising
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Clever but slightly 'overworked' at times
Karma Numbers:
0, 3, 6, 11, 43
Buzz Words:
Think on it, stall or just 'dangle them'.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of excitement in your personal as well as your professional life. You'll experience a surprising amount of passion. Life is interesting when there's some mystery involved. Channel your desires into activities that are community oriented. Nothing is certain, but you're in a good position for advancement. You're wealthy and well-equipped spiritually. You'll be able to find deeper meanings to your spiritual feelings. Lucky Numbers: 7, 13, 24, 25, 33, 43 Read more...