Weekly Horoscope for Leo
November 12, 2012 - November 18, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
You can't have an eclipse in a week without expecting to be at the head of the line for 'being affected' but this eclipse may bring more insightful clarity to what you do NOT want in your life and/or family than awareness of what IS needed or going on in your life or family. Once you've 'kicked the negative' to the curb, move on and focus sharply on 'future need or changes' make them after pondering the 15/16th and after discussions and discoveries the 17th. Travel, visitors, invitations and 'exciting news that leads to big change' is likely the 16th to 18th, especially if you have Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries or Pisces members.
Love Horoscope
IF you are single and IF you travel or entertain travelers this week, you may see a surprising opportunity unfold, particularly the 15th to 18th and any 'short trip or mad dash out' the 17th, may run you smack-dab into a romantic situation that could be life changing or 'life long'. While it may have it roots in this week, it could take until as far out as mid to later December '12 or later January or July/August of '13 to 'become clear, grow or even manifest'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Emotional discussions appear likely near the 12th to 14th but MUST be handled with tact and respect and if at all possible, it might even be wise to 'stall' and push it off until the 22/23rd or 26/27th for better results and more 'clarity'. A pal may be in need near the 15th to 17th IF they are 'en transit' and having to wire, run out and service them or 'rescue' in some other way, is likely.
Career Highlights
Mistakes, small set backs and long days filled with challenge may be 'the norm' the 12th to 14th but once you 'struggle out from under' make a 'new beginning' and strive to 'push forward' the afternoon of the 14th to close of business the 16th, you'll find greater ease and once you 'look back' you may discover you are 'to hell and gone' from where you started!
Surprisingly supportive!
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Insightful and foresighted!
Karma Numbers:
3, 10, 11, 52, 60, including 19's '52 and '60 and those born in it or companies formed during it.
Buzz Words:
No mystery; just hard work!
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to accept others misgivings honestly. The attention you receive will be encouraging rather than distracting. Your judgements could play a big role in their lives. A high level of confidence will announce to others that you're ready to get down to business. Communicate your intentions clearly from the very beginning. The secret to your success will lie in finding a compatible partner to bounce off of. If you continue to argue on every point, then you may need to look elsewhere. You need to know when you're wrong and when to admit it. Accepting a defeat or a setback with grace will make a bad moment much shorter. You may never want this to happen again, but if it does, you'll be better prepared to handle it. Read more...
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