Weekly Horoscope for Leo
October 29, 2012 - November 4, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Your patience may be 'tested' the 29th and by Aries, Taurus, Cancer, other Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or ANY member who either sets off a financial disagreement or disrespect issue. You may 'implement big change' the 30th, most likely brought about BY needs or behavior stemming from the 29th. Defuse a discussion the 1st IF it seems to 'escalate at ALL' particularly IF Gemini, Libra, Aries, Aquarius or Taurus are involved or money is at issue. Make no changes after the change of the 30th until the 4th.
Love Horoscope
Romance is great for singles this week with hot prospects the 30/31st and again the 3/4th all days long. Termination 'threat' for longer time paired Lions may surface near the 30th and again the 1st, in what appears to be 'related topics' especially IF the went unresolved the 30th. This is not a week for humor or insincerity; keep it almost professional! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
IF or when you have a pal in any serious psychological crisis, do NOT try to play armchair shrink, but rather call in a pro, even against their objections; have an intervention or at least 'inform' those close enough to them who DO 'have the clout'. Long talks are indicated and they appear to address a litany of 'mental issues or needs' the 31st to 3rd; just make sure you're not in 'over your head'. Keep it constructive and useful.
Career Highlights
Keep the ball rolling on anything 'financial' the 29th to mid day the 31st, especially IF insurance or investment issues are concerned. It may be a good week to 'revisit' your insurance needs and make sure all aspects are 'covered' and economical. Signing important documents and/or 'putting essential things in writing' is likely the afternoon of the 31st to close of business the 2nd. There MAY even be some off site 'constructive writing' the 3rd.
VERY good but demanding and draining; you'll need 'lots'.
Overview for Leo
State of Mind:
Seeking 'change' constructively.
Karma Numbers:
2, 5, 11, 41, 55, including 1955 and those born in it or companies formed or reformed, during it.
Buzz Words:
Take it 'seriously' but don't expect 'cooperation' or the 'same in return'.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to reach your goals, with hardly any effort on your part. You like the way things are and want to order more of the same. Try to calm yourself down, go about your business and don't be jealous of those on top. Your constant support will encourage others to go the distance for you. Cherish your friendships and you'll never feel alone, again. A friendship could even turn into something stronger. Exciting events should prove to make fun week-end plans. Read more...
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