Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

June 1, 2009 - June 7, 2009


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Sharing joy, especially with or over youth is likely near the 1st to 3rd. Good news of some kind is likely and may relate to a 'financial wind fall,' for or because of a member, especially in educational issues, such as scholarships, grants, loans or in the termination of a long time debt or expense. Remodeling expense or expense from upgrades is likely near the 5th to 7th.

Love Horoscope

Romance does very well early in the week with hot love connections likely for single Lions that may involve Libra, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer or other Lions, especially near the 2nd and again the 4th. Traditional 'weekend hours,' this time around are not cooperative and MAY even hold a 'bad connection' made between the 5th and 7th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Spend time with pals this weekend if you are single and 'looking.' Find common interests, sports, hobbies or lend a hand with their projects. Your stars say the week day hours are great to mix and meet if you are looking to expand your circle of friends and/or love interests but NOT the weekend days.

Career Highlights

Get as much done on your agreeable days as you can the 2nd and 4th and avoid structuring important meetings or requests on the POORLY cooperative days of the 3rd and 5th. An outright 'loss' is possible the 5th, especially in dealings with Capricorn, Virgo, Aries, Gemini, other Lions or any form of 'gambling' institution/s, especially 'speculative investing.' Be clear about any kind of 'arrangements' where the cooperation and/or participation of another dictates success outcomes.



Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Cautious and slightly vulnerable, especially the 5th.

Karma Numbers:

1 with any other number, especially where doubled or tripled, 4, 7, 9, 33.

Buzz Words:

Look for '1s' Phone number: ***-1119, room number 171, etc. The more 1s, the more luck.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by intuitive feelings about domestic & personal changes. Don't become angry with family or friends. Listen to friends, their advice may be valuable. You will have to gauge your activities wisely, or exhaustion will result. Travel will be tiring and uneventful. Home entertaining could provide you with stimulating ideas, however expect your new acquaintances to be a little pushy at first. Don't be drawn into a questionable plan, gossip will only result in making you look bad. Domestic purchases will be profitable, you should be looking into real estate buys or a residential move. Get into self-improvement projects that will take your mind off your troubles. Necessary changes in your home environment may not seem welcome, but they will be favorable in the long run. Read more...

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