Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
November 4, 2013 - November 10, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
A busy and demanding 4/5th may find you vulnerable, injured or even stressed and frustrated. Keep yourself calm and focused. Good news is likely for some members, including your own good sources; particularly financial and romantic. Invitations or plans 'as a family/group' are also likely and travel or dealing with relatives a distance away is likely all week. Visitors are almost a guarantee this week!
Love Horoscope
Love situations appear to show vast improvements over even recent weeks; upgrades for even long time status appear likely near the 5th and again the 8th. Single Twins may find hot connections littering the week during both daytime encounters and evenings out. Siblings, coworkers and 'best friends' may be excellent connections to new prospects. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
New friends are indicated as well as 'several gatherings' through the week, and for far more than 'your birthday' if it happens to be your birthday week. Surprises, requests and 'running into old pals out and about' unexpectedly are any/all likely!
Career Highlights
Here you can make STUNNING progress as old projects come together, new ones surface, greater ease enters and opportunities 'from above' are likely. This can be a real 'red letter week' for a hefty cross section of Twins. Travel, visiting dignitaries and being asked to represent, speak, demonstrate and entertain are also any/all likely. SLAM-DUNK days are likely starting mid day the 5th, rising sharply the 6th and lingering into the afternoon of the 7th; some may be related for a small cross section of you, but for most Twins; they are up to 3 different 'successes' or ongoing 'stages' of success in a bigger picture situation!
VERY good
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
Brilliant and insightful
Karma Numbers:
9, 11, 14, 22, 49
Buzz Words:
The sky IS the limit!
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a bit of a conflict over your various responsibilities. A big project at work could keep you working after hours and your mate may not be too pleased at a break in the normal schedule. Perhaps they may not be as adaptable as you are. Smooth things out, try not to talk about money concerns, if possible. Better days are ahead. You are sharp as a tack, but try not to be too sharp. Watch what you say to co-workers, because you may offend someone. You rarely do that intentionally, but the flak you take from a small explosion could make you uncharacteristically sensitive. To soothe your soul, spend some money on finery for yourself or for your home. You may open your wallet and pick up something you just have to have. Tell yourself you are worth it and that you deserve it. Someone may be on your mind, possibly an interesting person you used to know well but have lost contact with. If you don't get a surprise call, you be the one to reach out. In renewing your relationship, you may discover that they have had some recent experiences similar to your own. When you share notes, you may find that they have learned something from the experiences, that you have not. Tuck away the knowledge for future use. Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 18, 29, 42, 48 Read more...
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