Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
April 13, 2009 - April 19, 2009
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
Family and Personal Life
While your attitude is mostly cheerful, you do show a great many issues or problems you are 'expected' to resolve the 13th to 15th, with spending hiking sharply on everything from necessities to repairs, travel and vehicles. A lot of 'talking' appears likely near the 17/18th and you invest heavily 'of heart, soul and mind,' especially for members like elders, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Libra and Cancer.
Love and Romance
Romance is on the back burner and almost 'shut down' early in the week. Some of you may even hit a snag, small disagreement or 'being at odds' over an issue near the 13/14th and/or the 17th. The 18/19th show improvements. Single score best the 14th and 18th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
A long talk with a good pal near the 13th can help you find the 'balance' needed to 'free your mind,' for career or personal issues. Another discussion near the 17th appears to 'give worry the boot' for a short time with the need for a 're do' discussion surfacing again the 19th. Keep pals close this week.
Career Advancements
Take a no nonsense approach early in the week. You show good strides and excellent problem solving abilities, along with the gift of being able to 'hide' a great deal of problems and stress. But you DO need an outlet 'off site,' especially the 14th. Hold your cards close to your belt and keep constituents on a 'need to know,' basis until you 'have it in the bag.' Make realistic decisions for your future the 17th.
Financial Outlook
Fair only
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
Cheerful and able to 'project' a sound image.
Karma Numbers:
7, 11, 15, 32, 39
Buzz Words:
Expand 'but in a reasonable pace.'
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for some peace and quiet. You can expect those you live with to have their own ideas about how they want things done around the house. Be sure to pamper yourself by doing exactly what you want and not what everyone else wants. You will not take personal criticism well. Don't retaliate verbally or tempers will escalate. Don't argue; just work in your own space and avoid getting into heated debates. You can expect delays or problems with shipments, operating equipment or mail. You would be wise to delve into creative projects or hobbies to keep out of trouble. Instant romance will not be lasting. Take precautions if you wish to spare your heart. Your concern for older family members and those who need help will enhance your reputation. You can form partnerships that will be fruitful and long lasting. Read more...