Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
September 4, 2006 - September 10, 2006
Private Life
Money and Job
Full Weekly Horoscope for Gemini
Family and Personal Life
You seem to be Mr./Ms. 'Fix it,' this week, especially near the 5th in issues of compatibility with/between members and the 9th in money/need to salvage, save or rebalance. Looks like you end the week slightly 'played out,' but with all things 'fixed and in place.' Spending, talking and thinking get a real 'work out.'
Love and Romance
Romance is a great place to hide out this week. Find an understanding lover's ear and organize your thoughts. Talk until you can 'envision' the solution clearly and manifest it into being. A good mentally supportive lover will be 'worth their weight' this week and if yours is NOT known for being helpful in this area; stay away! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship and Social Life
Here is where you can find a good friend to 'fill the bill' if you either lack a lover OR, yours is not known for their listening skills or the ability to help you 'mentally organize and solve.' Libra, Aquarius, Virgo and other Twins are just a few of the buddies to 'seek out.'
Career Advancements
You are usually cautious and NOT know for making 'gargantuan mistakes.' As we near the 7th to 9th, you may make some in calculation, communication or overstepping the bounds of power/power people, especially Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Sagittarius. TIP-TOE at all times around bosses, big clients and power mongers. Watch what you put in writing this week.
Financial Outlook
Good until the 8/9th.
Overview for Gemini
State of Mind:
Vulnerable at times
Karma Numbers:
2, 5, 11, 15, 33
Buzz Words:
See it, believe it, make it happen.
Compatible Sign(s):
General Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for some peace and quiet. You can expect those you live with to have their own ideas about how they want things done around the house. Be sure to pamper yourself by doing exactly what you want and not what everyone else wants. You will not take personal criticism well. Don't retaliate verbally or tempers will escalate. Don't argue; just work in your own space and avoid getting into heated debates. You can expect delays or problems with shipments, operating equipment or mail. You would be wise to delve into creative projects or hobbies to keep out of trouble. Instant romance will not be lasting. Take precautions if you wish to spare your heart. Your concern for older family members and those who need help will enhance your reputation. You can form partnerships that will be fruitful and long lasting. Read more...