Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn
November 27, 2006 - December 3, 2006
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Stick to the game plan you set for the week the 27t as you'll have a successful week in family life. Wonder off of it, and you'll spend extra time, money, effort and patience trying to 'bring it back around,' especially over power struggles, discipline issues, in-law involvement and decisions on spending. Be 'on the same page' with a spouse, especially if you are paired to Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio, other Caps or Cancer.
Love Horoscope
Romance may be feeling like a 'bull by the horns,' at times this week, especially if money become a discussion issue or you are paired to Libra, Taurus, Gemini or Cancer. Remain calm, use patience, give 'some ground' and find a compromise or risk a setback. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Friends are THE place to go if you want to 'massage an issue' before directly confronting it. Sometimes a 'dry run' or practice makes it easier for you to handle the more 'overwhelming' issues and emotions. Find cool heads on Virgo, Aries, Leo and Scorpio buddies before dealing with the 'real thing.'
Career Highlights
'Strictly professional' gets it for you this week! Keep a plan in place the 27th along with tight reins on your schedule, emotions OUT of dealings the 28th, you impulses in control the 29th, your eye on the 'eventual outcome' the 30th and you patience in place the 1st for most successful week in business/career.
Challenging at times but 'ok' overall.
Overview for Capricorn
State of Mind:
Resentful of duty 'forced upon you.'
Karma Numbers:
2, 3, 5, 9, 11
Buzz Words:
Set boundaries and give 'tactful' reminders.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to look at situations logically. Your insight will allow you to make constructive suggestions. Your creative talent needs an outlet. Be prepared to show your work, you will get support. Someone who is trying to make you look bad will misinterpret your words. Be careful. Don't get involved with a person who is already committed to someone else. One-sided attractions will be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Deception will cause confusion. If you bend over backward to help friends in need, you will enhance your reputation. Don't be too demanding or negative with youngsters. You tend to want the best for everyone you love. Your desires may lead to isolation or retaliation. Read more...
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