Weekly Horoscope for Cancer
April 6, 2020 - April 12, 2020
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 6th appears to be a highly successful day with ducks standing in a row and lining up with good progression and excellent returns on your efforts as long as you remember to accomplish through patience.
Tuesday under the full moon your efforts really pay off nicely as this full moon promises to be extremely cooperative and well-balanced, something you do not always get!
Wednesday the 8th make few demands of others as the backlash can be difficult, especially from Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra and other Cancers.
Thursday the 9th indications are for distractions and interruptions in the morning hours but excellent progress in the later afternoon and evening hours with a wonderful polished finish to your day with friends, romance and ideal thinking all around.
Friday the 10th appears to be an extremely fruitful and highly enjoyable day with excellent discussions, interesting information, cheerful exchanges, good decisions and wonderful assistance coming in from all directions and personalities.
Saturday the 11th an early morning change up may cause you to scramble your day in a different direction but once this is over you can have a new game plan and the balance of your day appears to be interesting and exciting with excellent progress and good judgment.
Sunday the 12th excellent support from members of the opposite sex should make the day not only interesting but highly rewarding and enjoyable especially with sound backing from signs like Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Leo and other Cancer.
Love Horoscope
The Crab is very touchy this week about romance and love. Easily insulted or hurt if love is not respected in all forms; including friends and family but especially romantic love! Once we are past the more nervous, sensitive time of the 6th to 8th you may feel yourself settle down a tad. There is also the small possibility that a fractional cross section of you may terminate status near the 11th/12th; this is likely only if it has been suffering lately anyway or you push too hard. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
An emotions issue good or bad, may brew and boil over the 6th to 8th and it is likely that you will be the one who is called upon or brought in to solve, serve or have the final word. If you are invited into any such position this week; bow out and fast!
Career Highlights
Your moodiness may get in the way big time the 6th and 7th and what with your stars showing how unfairly over loaded you may become the 6th; you may not react well and if you are burned out or hung over the 7th, you can the conundrum you'd be in, suck it up and do your best without rending an opinion or even a remark until the relief of the 10th. Some of you may have to fill in for other absent coworkers or bosses and you must try to let any resentment not show!
Emotional trends affecting it too easily
Overview for Cancer
State of Mind:
Emotional trends affecting it too easily
Karma Numbers:
8, 13, 15, 22, 90
Buzz Words:
Handle it by yourself
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by sudden insights, new discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time. Sharing your thoughts and ideas with your mate or marriage partner is rewarding to you now. A blending of similar interests and attitudes can help establish closer ties between you and your mate. In an ongoing relationship, pledges of love, commitment, and loyalty can be exchanged, or you can have a meaningful conversation which brings renewed vows. You or your loved one may be especially revealing with regard to affectionate feelings and open communications. Carrying out day to day routines and obligations with your companion should also prove more pleasant during this period. Read more...
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